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Court Judgements

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When parties appeared before me they agreed that this matter proceeds as a stated case. The first plaintiff is CRIEFF INVESTMENTS (PRIVATE) LIMITED, a company duly incorporated according to the laws of Zimbabwe, the second plaintiff is ALDAWILIA INVESTMENTS (PRIVATE) LIMITED. The second plaintiff changed its name to the first plaintiff. In essence the first and the second plaintiff are one party. The first defendant is GRAND HOME CENTRE PRIVATE LIMITED, a company duly incorporated according to the laws of Zimbabwe and whose address for service is care of its legal practitioners of record. The second and the third defendants... More

The Applicant is Crisis Coalition in Zimbabwe Trust, a trust that has been registered as such in terms of the laws of this country. The respondent is Superintendent G. Moyo, N.O. the Harare District Regulatory Authority in terms of the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act [Chapter 11. 23]. This is an urgent chamber application wherein the applicant is seeking an interim interdict against the first respondent so that he and all acting under or through him will not interfere with the applicant intended public meeting scheduled for 12 August 2022. The application was filed on 11August 2022 but the... More

Appellant who was employed by respondent was dismissed on 2 September 2013 after a disciplinary hearing. The letter of dismissal advised him that if he was aggrieved by the decision of the disciplinary Committee, he may appeal in writing to the Appeals Committee through the Human Resources Office within three working days of receipt of the determination. More

This is an appeal against the Magistrates court judgment dismissing an application for discharge at the close of the State’s case disguised as a court application for review of that decision. It is an unmitigated and flagrant abuse of court process. More

Our jurisdiction is anchored upon the adversarial system of justice delivery. The system has invariably two partiesto it. These are the plaintiff and the defendant in a civil suit, the applicant and the respondent in motion proceedings and the state and the accused in a criminal trial. More

This is an application for bail pending appeal. On 10 September 2020 the applicant was convicted for contravening s 70 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23) having sexual intercourse with a young person. He was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment of which 6 months imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on the usual conditions of future good behaviour. More

Sometime in 2017 Cold Storage Company (Pvt) Ltd (CSC) made an application seeking to convene scheme meetings in terms of s 191 of the now repealed Companies Act [Chapter 24:03]. It was so distressed such that it was necessary for it to get into a scheme of arrangement with its creditors. On 22 January 2019 the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Water, Climate & Rural Settlement (Minister) entered into Livestock Joint Farming Concession Agreement (LJFCA) with the first respondent - Boustead Beef (Private) Limited. More

The plaintiff is a Zimbabwean registered company which deals in art and craft products. The defendant is an international airline carrier which, although constituted in South Africa, is licenced to operate in Zimbabwe and has offices in Harare. More

This is a composite judgment pursuant to bail applications launched by the applicants. Each applicant is on remand on separate charges of contravening s 14(1) of the Firearms Act [Chapter 10:09]. For purposes of the bail applications, and with the consent of counsel, the matters were consolidated because it was convenient to do so. Ronald Musekiwa is the investigating officer in the case against the 4th applicant. He is also a member of the investigating team in the other three matters. Being privy to the facts and circumstances of the four matters, he testified in opposition to the applicants’ bid... More

The applicant, a duly registered company has approached this court seeking a compelling order, ordering the respondent to deliver their courtesy vehicle a Ford Ranger, T6, Single Cab, Registration Number, AFN 0119, within 7 days of the date of service upon her of the order. The application is opposed with respondent mounting a counterclaim apportioning liability to the resultant damages to her vehicle as allegedly having been caused by the negligence on the applicant. More

This application was filed on urgency with the applicant seeking a relief in the form of a provisional order in the following terms: “TERMS OF ORDER MADE: That you show cause to this Honourable Court why the following Order should not be made:- 1. That the interim order granted by this Honourable Court be an is hereby confirmed. Interim Relief sought More

The applicant seeks a rescission of a default judgment of this court issued against it on 22 May 2012, per MUTEMA J, for payment of storage charges of US$641-00 a day from 9 March 2009 together with interest at the prescribed rate calculated from the date of judgment to date of payment in full and costs of suit. More

This is an application for stay of execution pending an application for rescission of a judgment granted against the applicant and in default by MUTEMA J under HC1916/12 on 22 May 2012. More

This is an application in terms of Rule 19(3)(a) of the Labour Court Rules, 2006. The Applicant submitted that in terms of the said Rules of Court the Appellant was supposed to file within 14 days of filing of the notice of response, its heads of argument. It was submitted further that the Respondent filed their notice of response on 15th July 2013 and it was served on the Appellant on the 16th July 2013. The Respondent failed to file its heads as required by the Rules of Court and is thus barred. The appeal in the main matter should... More

1. The Respondent or any of her agents and/or employees, or anyone acting on her behalf is ordered to vacate Chirika Extension of Borrowdale Estate measuring 121,4029 Hectares; Lot J of Borrowdale Estate measuring 724,0475 Hectares immediately upon service of this order, failing which the Sheriff of Zimbabwe be and is hereby directed forthwith to eject the Respondent or any of her agents and/or employees, or anyone acting on her behalf, from occupation thereon. 2. The Respondent, or any of her agents and/or employees, or anyone acting on their behalf is hereby directed forthwith to remove any equipment, material and/or... More