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This application was placed before me through the chamber book seeking a curious order couched in the following terms: “It is ordered that: 1. The trial de novo ordered by the Honourable Justice ZHOU on 3 October 2012 under case number HC 5594/11, Ref case CA 44-5/10, Ref case no. CRB R479/05 refers to trial de novo already commenced and mentioned in para 1 of Justice MTSHIYA’s High Court Consent Order granted on 20 January 2010 under case No. HC 265/10 ref case No. CA 44-5/10, ref case No. CRB R 479/05. More

On 29th March 2012 the Honourable Y Malama made an arbitration award. In terms thereof, she nullified the demotion of Respondent by Appellant. Appellant was aggrieved by the ruling. It then filed an appeal to this Court against the award. More

The applicant filed and argued this bail application as a self-actor. The arresting detail and the investigating officer adduced evidence for the respondent. The former opposed the applicant’s release on bail while the latter consented to the same. Counsel for the respondent had filed a written response opposing the application. However, in light of the testimony of the investigating officer, the respondent’s representative, in her oral submissions, consented to the release of the applicant on bail pending trial. More

The appellant is a licensed telecommunications company in terms of the Postal and Telecommunications Act [Chapter 12:05]. The respondent is an administrative body established in terms of the Revenue Authority Act [Chapter 23:11] and tasked with the collection of revenues due in terms of the Act, among other things. An audit carried out in 2018 by the respondent on the affairs of the appellant revealed that the appellant had paid fees to several non-resident persons without deducting the withholding tax required by s 30 of the Act as read with the Seventeenth Schedule (“the Schedule”) thereto. As a result of... More

This is an application for setting aside the interim liquidation and distribution accounts pertaining to the Applicants which were lodged by the second respondent in the estate late Edward Nyanyiwa, DR471/19. The accounts were confirmed by the 1st Respondent. More

KABASA J: This is an application for the dismissal of the respondents’ application filed under case number HC 1425/16 for want of prosecution. The application is in terms of Order 32 Rule 236 (3) (b) of the High Court Rules, 1971. The background facts are these: The respondents filed a court application seeking a declaratur of mining rights and cancellation of the special mining grant SG 5751 issued in favour of the applicant. The application was filed on 7th June 2016 and served on the applicant in 2017. The applicant duly filed a notice of opposition together with an opposing... More

In this application, Applicant seeks an order for the payment of arrear salaries and allowances, terminal benefits, severance package, punitive damages and costs of suit. All this amounts to a total of US$132 574.00 as shown on the computations submitted to the Labour Officer who handled the conciliation. More

This is an appeal against sentence. The first and third appellants were convicted of one count of assault while the second appellant was convicted of two counts of assault as defined in s 89 of the Criminal Law (Codificationand Reform Act) [Cap 9.23] after pleading guilty to their respective counts. They were jointly tried.The facts are that all the three appellants firstly assaulted the first complaint and then the second appellant assaulted the second complainant alone on the 8 October, 2011. In respect of the second appellant, both counts were treated as one for purposes of sentence. All the appellants... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the National Employment Council Appeals Committee “NEC Appeals Committee”. The facts of the case are common cause. The respondent was employed as a cementer by the appellant. On 8 October 2014 one Max an employee of appellant during his course of work intended to serve the workers’ committee representatives with certain documents. It was alleged that Max engaged the chairman of the worker’s committee, who invited the rest of the workers’ committee members and other employees. More

On 12 December 2014 the appellant dismissed the respondent from employment following disciplinary proceedings. An Internal appeal was unsuccessful. He appealed to the National Employment Council Appeals Committee, ‘the Committee’. The Committee found that the respondent committed a less serious offence, and ordered that the penalty of dismissal be set aside and substituted by a final written warning. The appellant was therefore to reinstate the respondent and in the alternative pay damages. More

In this urgent chamber application, the parties filed heads of argument after the applicant was granted leave to file an answering affidavit and did so. The parties thereafter mutually agreed that I determine the application on the basis of the filed papers and heads of argument without convening a formal hearing. More

The plaintiff in this case is a farmer by vocation and he also happens to be a prophet. He claims payment in the sum of $4.5 million (revalued) as damages for defamation ($2.5 million) and damages for unlawful arrest and detention ($2 million). More

This is an application for a Declaratory Order in which the Applicant is seeking to be declared the sole mining entity with valid registration certificates entitling it to solely conduct mining operations within Koo Doo 62 - 65 Mine in Mudzi District, Mashonaland East Province. The Applicant is also seeking that the 4th Respondent is declared to be conducting illegal mining operations within Koo Doo 62, 63, 64 and 65 Mining locations and therefore should cease its illegal operations. The 1st, 2nd. 3rd and 5th Respondents consented to the application. The 4th Respondent is however opposed to the application. More

CHIRAWU-MUGOMBA J: The applicants were jointly charged and appeared at a trial before the 1st respondent. They were jointly charged with: -Perjury as defined in S183(1) of the Criminal Law [Codification and Reform] [Act] [Chapter 9.23]; Fraud as defined in the same act and additionally with contravening S 63(1)(b) of the Serious Offences (Confiscation of profits) Act (9:17). More

This is an application for condonation and extension of time within which to note an appeal in terms of r 31(3) of the Supreme Court Rules 1964. The applicant is the widow of the late Chemayi Joseph Mtize. She is the duly appointed executrix dative of his deceased estate. More