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This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court, (“the court a quo”) handed down on 6 October 2022. The court a quo dismissed the appellant’s appeal against refusal of summary judgment by the Magistrates’ More

This is an urgent chamber application seeking the stay of proceedings in a criminal trial, pending finalisation of an appeal before this Court. More

The applicants filed their notice of appearance to defend three (3) days outside the dies induciae. They were, at the time of filing the notice, automatically barred. This application aims at the removal of the bar. More

The Appellant was charged with a violation of Section 38 of the Colcom Code of Conduct – Theft. He was convicted on the charge and a sentence of dismissal from his employment was imposed. He appealed unsuccessfully to the two internal appeal structures. He has now brought the present appeal to the Labour Court. The appeal was noted initially on the basis of six grounds. At the hearing of the matter the Appellant’s Representative conceded that the first three grounds being essentially grounds for review were incompetent grounds. More

This matter came to this court as an urgent chamber application. This court granted the interim relief sought, whose terms interdicted 1st defendant from disposing and transfering of stand number 70832 Lobengula West, Bulawayo to a third party. The court also ordered that in the event a sale had occurred, 2nd defendant should not proceed and effect the transfer of the property to a third party. More

This is an appeal against the Respondent’s decision. The appellant was employed by the respondent as a technician. In the course of his duty he went to work on a fault at Peterhouse, whereas the papers said that he worked at Dombi Farm. It was found out that the Appellant’s papers were not in order. Investigations were instituted. He was asked to write a report and he did. Later he was asked again to write a more detailed report. He refused and referred the investigator to the earlier report. Investigations established that no work was carried out at Dombi Farm. More

On 14 April 2019, appellant Echebel Mudadirwa, was convicted for contravening s 113 (2) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] for theft of trust property and was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment of which 2 months imprisonment was suspended on condition of future good behaviour, of the remaining 10 months imprisonment, 6 months imprisonment on the further condition of restitution, the balance of 4 months imprisonment was suspended on condition that the appellant completes 140 hours of community service. More

The applicant in this matter applied for review of the decision of the Respondent’s Disciplinary Committee which was made on the 23rd of March 2009. When parties appeared before this Court the respondent raised points in limine i.e. (i) That the respondent filed its application well out of time i.e. about (3) three months after the hearing. (ii) He did not even file an application for condonation of the late application. (iii) Applicant did not exhaust the internal remedies provided in the Code of Conduct. More

This is an application for summary judgment whereby the applicant is seeking the payment of certain sums of money from the firth respondent only. More

This is an appeal against part of the judgment of the High Court which decided against the appellant on several issues on which the parties had failed to reach agreement in an urgent chamber application. The part appealed against is fully set out at page 10 of this judgment. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgement of the Labour Court sitting at Harare and handed down on 19 May 2017. More

After perusing papers filed of record and hearing counsel in this matter we dismissed the appeal with costs and intimated that our reasons would follow in due course. More

On 29 June 2011 in HC 5213/11 I issued a provisional order in favour of Econet Wireless (Pvt) Ltd as the applicant, against Renaissance Financial Holdings Limited as the first respondent and Reggie Francis Saruchera (in his capacity as the Curator of Renaissance Merchant Bank Limited) as the second respondent More

This is an urgent application for interim relief by the applicant in terms of section 92 C of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01] as read with rule 34 of the Labour Court Rules S I 59/06. More