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Court Judgements

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This is an appeal against the award that was handed down by honourable arbitrator L M Gabilo on 16 January 2014 and 27 August 2014. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award which found as follows; • “The contracts signed by the Claimants (Appellants herein) are in terms of Section 16(2) (b) of the Labour Act. The Claimants freely and voluntarily entered into contracts with less favourable conditions. The Claimants are bound by their signatures, caveat subscriptor rule. The contracts signed by the Claimants are valid and binding on the parties as far as grades, rates of pay and other benefits are concerned. Caveat subscriptor rule does not diminish right to length of service not lawfully terminated. • The Respondent erred by not taking... More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the High Court, granted on 20 December 2018, confirming a provisional order granted by that court on 24 October 2017. The effect of the judgment was to set aside the sale and transfer of the property in dispute to the fourth and fifth respondents and to enable the first and second respondents to exercise their alleged right of first refusal in respect of that property. More

In this case, the 1st Defendant applied for absolution from the instance and dismissal of the plaintiff’s case with costs. More

The plaintiff is the Executor dative of the estate late Charles Muzanya, which was before his appointment being administered by his predecessor KeniasMutyasira the third defendant. The third defendant had during his administration of the estate sold Stand 79 Brackenhurst Township of Christmas Gift Extension Gweru to the first and seconddefendants. The fourth defendant is the registrar of Deeds who is being sued in his official capacity. He has transferred the property in dispute to the first and second defendants. The fifth defendant is the Master of the High Court who is also being sued in his official capacity. He... More

Applicant was charged with two counts of Unlawful Entry in aggravating circumstances and was convicted of both counts despite pleading not guilty. The complainants in both counts are residents of the same neighbourhood and their premises were broken into the same night one after the other. The complainant in the first count had her 3 cell phones stolen by the burglar. Fortunately for the complainant, the burglar must have left the premises in the second count in some hurry and dropped a pink satchel in which he had loaded some if his loot from both premises he broke into in... More

In this action the plaintiff issued summons claiming against the defendants, jointly and severally, the one paying the other to be absolved, payment in the sum of $240 000.00, being 10% commission of the sum of $2 400 000.00 for the role he played as agent in the sale of or investment into, the 1st defendant’s mine. The plaintiff also claimed interest at the prescribed rate, collection commission and costs of suit. More

This is an appeal against the appellant’s dismissal from employment by the respondent following certain misconduct allegations which were levelled against him. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the respondent employer where it found applicant employee guilty of misconduct and penalised him by withholding his 2020 bonus and also by a final written notice. More

The applicant seeks the following relief: “IT IS ORDERED THAT 1. The application for joinder of parties be and is hereby granted 2. The 1st and 2nd applicants be and are hereby joined as 3rd and 4th respondents in the summary judgment application under case no HC 379/19 and as 3rd and 4th defendants in the eviction matter under case number HC 379/19. 3. The 1st and 2nd applicants be and are hereby granted leave to file their notice of opposition to the summary judgment application within the next ten (10) days of the granting of this order. 4. In... More

This matter came by way of a Chamber Application. I dismissed the application. The applicants have written a letter requesting for full reasons. These are they. The application is for stay of proceedings for summary judgements pending determination ofan application for joinder. More

At the conclusion of submissions by counsel, the Court dismissed this application but ordered a trial de novo before a different regional magistrate More

: The applicant was placed on remand in the Magistrates’ Court on 29 November 2011 on three counts of fraud and two counts of theft as defined in s 136 and 113 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Cap 9:23] under case number CRB 8384/11. More

This judgment relates to an appeal against conviction and sentence which came before us on 13 November 2023. The appellant appeared in the magistrates’ court sitting at Hwange on a charge of possession of raw ivory in contravention of s 82(1) of S.I. 326/1990 as read with s 128(b) of the Parks and Wildlife Act [Chapter 20:14] i.e., unlawful possession of unregistered raw ivory. It being alleged that on 1 February 2021 and at Lupinyu Business Centre, Victoria Falls, the appellant unlawfully and intentionally possessed two pieces of unregistered raw ivory weighing 1.09 kgs and 0.55 kgs. More

Appellant appealed to this Court against his dismissal from employment by Respondent. The appeal was made in terms of section 92D of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01. Respondent opposed the appeal. More