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The plaintiff claimeddamages against the defendant in respect of his shop at Murehwa Centre which was gutted by fire at midnight on 8 August 2009. At all material times the defendant,through his company, was renting the shop in terms of a written agreement of lease. The grounds of the plaintiff’s claim were that the defendant’s employees had been negligent in that on the night in question they had neglected to switch off power to the electrical appliances in the shop, especially the chip fryer, resulting in the cooking oil in that appliance overheating to boiling levels leading to an explosion... More

The plaintiff is a male adult residing at Stand No. 12385 Unit N, Seke, Chitungwiza. The first defendant is a son to the late Abbie Ngwenya. The second defendant is a son to the late Ururu Nhamburo. The third and fourth defendants were cited in their official capacities. More

This is an application for dismissal of an application for want of prosecution in accordance with r 236 (4) (b) of the High Court Rules. More

On the 23 April 2015, the plaintiff sued the defendant for damages in the sum of US$11 700.00 and costs of suit. In the suit, the plaintiff alleged that sometime in February 2014, he engaged the services of the defendant to represent him in a labour dispute that had arisen between him and his three domestic workers. More

On the 1st of October, 2020 I delivered an ex-tempore judgment wherein I granted an application for condonation for the late filing of a review application. The respondents have since requested for the full reasons thereof, and these are they. More

The Respondent was employed as a personal banker by the Appellant and he was stationed in Gweru. More

The plaintiff, a banking institution registered in Botswana, instituted proceedings against the four defendants for payment of a total sum of US$777 380-05 being money advanced to the first defendant as a loan sometime in 2009, together with interest. The plaintiff also sought costs of suit on the scale of legal practitioner and client as well as collection commission. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the N.E.C. Banking and Industry undertaking where it ordered the now Appellant to reinstate the Respondent without any loss of salary and benefits. Facts of the case are that Respondent was employed as a crown banker with the Respondent’s Newlands branch at the time of the alleged misconduct. She is said to have on separate occasions processed a fraudulent transaction and failed to verify a client’s signature resulting in the branch losing US$2,300 and $8,500 respectively. As a result of the above conduct she was charged with a contravention of section 11... More

The Respondent, an employee of the appellant was embroiled in a dispute with his employer. The Respondent was employed at the Appellant’s Treasury department. More

The issues herein arise from the implementation of a 2010 collective bargaining agreement in the banking sector. The dispute between the parties relates to the increments payable to the applicant’s members. The dispute was referred to an arbitrator who made an award on 25 June 2010 in favour of the applicant, holding the respondent guilty of an unfair labour practice and ordering it to pay the sum of US$491,645. More

The applicant seeks an order declaring that the premises from which the applicant operates are not “commercial premises” as defined in the Commercial Premises (Rent) Regulations 1983 S.I. 676 of 1983 and an order that the applicant has lawfully terminated the mooring contract that it had with the respondent. The applicant also seeks an order directing the respondent forthwith to remove his boats, including the Ambuya Dambudzo from Marineland harbour, and should be fair to do so the sheriff or his lawful deputy carries out the removal. The respondent opposes the grant of this order. More

On 6 July 2004 the applicant issued summons against the second respondents, jointly and severally and in solidium for payment of US$900 000-00 which it alleged was overpayment of a loan advanced by the second respondent to the applicant for onward lending to third parties. It alleged that in terms of the agreement between the parties the second respondent would receive repayments directly from third parties and if any overpayment occurred such would be refunded to the applicant. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Provincial Director Matebeland North sitting as a Mining. Commissioner`s Court at Manicaland Province. The sitting of the Provincial Commissioner’s Court was a result of an order rendered by MUZENDA J by consent of the parties under HC 203/18 on 18 September 2019. Said order provides in the main as follows: HC 203/18 and HC 212/18 were referred to the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Mines and Mining Development for the appointment of a Provincial Mining Commissioner, other than the Provincial Mining Commissioner Manicaland. More

This is an application to compel discovery and the filing of pre-trial documents in HC 13081/12. The respondent has raised the preliminary point that the application is fatally defective for want of the correct form. Further, she submits that the application is improperly before the court, the main matter having been struck off the roll and no application for reinstatement having been made. More

On 20 August 2013 Arbitrator T R Madzimure issued an arbitration award. He inter alia ordered appellant to reinstate respondent in its employ. Appellant then appealed to this court against the award. Respondent opposed the appeal. More