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Court Judgements

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This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against the judgement handed down by this Court reference LC/H/199/22 dated 11th July 2022. The application is made pursuant to the provisions in Section 92 F (2) of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01] as read with Rule 43 of the Labour Court Rules, Statutory Instrument 150 of 2017. The application is opposed. More

The facts are that, on the 29th of June 2022, at Victory farm Mhangura, it is alleged that the accused in the company of three or so others, vandalized a 200KVA transformer after tying and incapacitating the security guard on the premises. They made away with the copper windings from the vandalized transformer after tying and incapacitating the security guard. The security guard later freed himself after they had left and informed his employer who in turn made a police report. The accused was arrested at a police roadblock on the 2nd of July 2022 in a vehicle with three... More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. More

On 21 October 2019, the applicant was convicted (after a full trial) by a Regional Magistrate at Marondera for contravening section 65 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23) (“rape”). He was sentenced to 18years imprisonment, 2 years of which were suspended for 5 years on condition that he does not during that period commit an offence of a sexual nature for which he is sentenced to a term of imprisonment without the option of a fine.The applicant did not appeal against conviction and sentence within the time allowed by the law.He has now filed a chamber... More

In this application the applicants seek the following relief: “TERMS OF THE FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That the Respondents show cause, if any, why a final order should not be granted in the following terms: 1. The arrest and detention of Applicants be and is hereby declared wrongful and unlawful. 2. Should the Respondents wish to prosecute the applicants the Respondents shall not arrest and detain the applicants in respect of the allegations raised in this matter and are hereby directed to proceed against the applicants by way of summons. 3. The Respondents shall pay the Applicants costs on a legal... More

The applicants were convicted of one count of robbery as defined in s126(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23]. They were sentenced to an effective 43 months imprisonment on 14 June 2021. They noted an appeal against conviction and sentence on 21 June 2021. They now apply for bail pending appeal. More

The Appellant in casu filed this appeal together with an application for review. He was employed by the Respondent and dismissed after being found guilty of an act of misconduct. More

This is an Urgent Chamber Application wherein applicant seeks the following relief: “INTERIM RELIEF SOUGHT (1) That the first respondent be and is hereby ordered to immediately cease mining operation at Coronation 30 B Mine Masvingo pending the outcome of the application. More

The applicant is an ex-policeman previously attached to the anti-stock theft unit at Marondera. During the period extending from May to 28 October 2009 he together with three others are alleged to have stolen forty-eight herd of cattle from the complainant. He has since been convicted of stock theft and sentenced to twenty five years imprisonment. More

This is an appeal against a determination by a Designated agent. The background is that Cimas medical services (Pvt) Limited employed the appellant as a Senior Computer operator grade 8.2. The appellant was stationed at the employer’s head office. He was transferred from the Head office to Cimas medical laboratories to cover for the Systems Administrator who had gone on leave. The appellant alleges that he was in grade 8.2. He was acting in the position of a grade 10 employee, but remained a grade 8.2 receiving an acting allowance. More

At the hearing of this appeal we dismissed the appeal on the turn and gave reasons ex-tempore. These are the reasons for that decision. More

The plaintiff sued out summons for the payment of US$27 000 being a refund for the purchase of a stand known as 437 Malvern Township Waterfalls, Harare ‘the property’. The plaintiff also claims interest on the said amount calculated from 18 December 2012 to the date of full payment and costs of suit. The defendant contests the claim. More

I heard the present application on 1 March, 2017. At the close of submissions, l delivered an ex tempore judgment in which l dismissed the application with costs More

This is an urgent application for an interdict to prevent the respondents from interfering with the applicant’s occupation and use of the immovable property at 76 Kaguvi Street, Harare. More

On the 12th September 2021 at Harare, Designated Agent P. Chiyangwa issued a determination. She ordered appellant (employer) to pay respondent (employee) an amount of US$10,416-00 in respect of terminal benefits. The employer then appealed to this Court in terms of section 92D of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01 (hereafter called the Act). The employee opposed the appeal. More