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Court Judgements

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This is a claim for defamatory damages. The plaintiff seeks US$35 000-00 forinjuria and contumelia arising from an article written in the H-Metro of 13 October 2011 by the first defendant, edited by the second defendant and published by the third defendant. The three defendants contested the action. More

This matter was placed before the court as an urgent court application in terms of r 59(6) of the High Court Rules, 2021. The application was accompanied by a certificate of urgency justifying the extraordinary circumstances under which it was brought before the court. The periods within which further affidavits and heads of argument were to be filed, were accordingly truncated with the consent of counsel. The applicant seeks the following relief against the respondent: More

This is an appeal by a teacher. It is against the decision of the Civil Service Commission of Zimbabwe wherein it found the appellant guilty of the misconduct of improper association with a pupil and imposed a penalty of dismissal. The appeal is against both conviction and the penalty. More

The applicant filed a chamber application seeking the following relief as set out in its draft order; “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That the respondents show cause to this Honourable Court on the return date why a final order not be granted in the following terms (a) That the 1st respondent shall not remove for sale the applicant’s property attached on 17th November, 2015 without further instructions from the 2nd respondent. (b) That 1st respondent pays costs of suit. TERMS OF FINAL ORDER GRANTED Pending the determination of this matter, the applicants are granted the following relief: 1. That the... More

The respondent raised a point in limine that the grounds of appeal do not raise a question of law as contemplated by Section 98 (10) of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01] and as defined in the case of Muzuva v United Bottlers (Pvt) Ltd 1994 (1) ZLR 217. The grounds of appeal relied upon by the appellant are as follows:- More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an order directing the respondents or any person acting on their behalf to return the property seized at the applicant’s premises on 14 November 2017. The applicant also seeks an order interdicting the respondents or any persons acting on their behalf from demanding from the applicant’s employees the passwords of the computers seized by the police and threatening to arrest the employees. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award. The arbitrator had to determine the following, a) Whether or not there was an employment relationship between the parties; b) Whether or not there was non-payment of salaries, and if so, the quantum thereof; c) Whether or not the complainant was unfairly dismissed; and d) The appropriate remedy More

The plaintiffs approached this court seeking an order declaring the will of the late Chitsamatanga, dated 26 May 2000, null and void, that the testator died intestate and an order for costs. The basis for the order being sought is that at the time the testator executed the will, he was not in a mental state to execute a valid will as he was aged 86 and was senile. Alternatively the testator could not appreciate the nature of his actions as he had high visual impairment. This necessitated that the will be read to him and he could have been... More

On the 7th May, 2014, an arbitral award was issued ordering Appellant to pay Respondent (a) Cash in lieu of notice = $891,00 (b) Cash in lieu of days leave = $891,00 (c) Housing allowance February 2009 to July 2012 = $625,00 Total $2 407,00 More

[1] The germ seed of the dispute before me is foreign currency, an indispensable enabler of local and in particular, international trade and commerce. [2] This resource is also regulated, and quite stringently too, by a compendium of instruments. These range from primary and subsidiary legislation, a raft of directives, measures and circulars, to periodic policy statements by treasury and the central bank. This background forms part of the wider discretionary considerations relevant to the resolution of the present dispute. More

This is an application for an interdict wherein the applicants seek in the main an order barring the 1st respondent from continuing with their mineral prospecting activities on a certain piece of land situate in the Chivi communal lands. The four applicants are all parents or guardians of leaners at two schools (Danhamombe Secondary school and St Simon Zhara primary school) on whose premises part of the prospecting is taking place. I briefly pause here to observe that the parties used the term "exploration" to refer to the 1st respondent’s prospecting activities. More

This is an application for bail pending trial. The application is opposed. The applicant is facing allegations of contravening section 189 as read with section 47 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act (Chapter 9:23) that is attempted murder. Applicant faces a second count of malicious damage to property in contravention of section 140 of the Code. He faces a third count of unlawful entry into premises in violation of section 131 (2) of the Code and a fourth count of assault as defined in section 89 of the Code. Applicant denies the allegations and avers that he was... More

This is an application contemplated by s 350 of the Companies Act [Cap 24:03] for security of costs in the sum of US$20 000-00 filed on 7 September 2011. The applicant also seeks a stay of the main matter until such costs have been paid and costs of the present application. It arises from a letter written by the respondent’s legal practitioners on 9 May 2011 confirming that the respondent was a dormant company with no assets save for the property in dispute. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the arbitrator where he found that the respondent employee had been unfairly dismissed by the appellant employer following allegations that respondent had absconded from duty after his suspension from work. More