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Court Judgements

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The respondent in this case approached the Magistrates Court seeking a prohibitory interdict against the appellants. The court a quo granted the appellants the relief as prayed for. More

E Ncube Payment of $9 750,00 being hiring costs incurred by the plaintiff during the period his vehicle was under repair. More

This is an appeal against the arbitral award by Honourable arbitrator Bare that was handed down on 12 May 2015. More

On 30th August, 2011 the Honourable N.A. Mutongoreni made an arbitration award. In terms thereof he ordered Appellant to sell a company car to Respondent or alternatively pay him the residual value of the car. Appellant then appealed to this Court against the award. Appellant employed Respondent from 2007 as its Human Resources Manager at Mutare. Respondent resigned from employment on the 4th May, 2011. At the time of resignation he had been allocated the company car in terms of Appellant’s Motor Vehicle Policy. More

The Applicant has approached this Court with an application for Stay of Execution of the award granted in favour of the Respondents by the Arbitrator on 5 August 2013. The Respondents intend to register the award for the purposes of execution. More

On 3 November 2021, the plaintiff instituted summons proceedings against the defendant claiming damages in the sum of US$36 660.00, arising from a breach of contract signed by the parties. The plaintiff also claims interest at the prescribed rate calculated from the date of service of summons to date of full payment, plus costs of suit. More

6. This application will be better understood against the background that follows. On the 18thJune 2015, the 3rd respondent obtained a default judgment for the sum of US$ 18 543.15 together with interest at the rate of 25% per annum and costs on a legal practitioner and client scale against the applicants. It is clear from the papers that the 1st respondent placed the applicants’ immovable property namely Stand 11075 Bulawayo Township of Bulawayo Township lands measuring 1603 square metres and held under Deed of Transfer No. 2440/2005 (the property) under judicial attachment. On two occasions the 1st respondent sold... More

: This is an application to set aside the decision by the Sheriff of the High Court confirming a sale in execution. The application is in terms of Rule 359(8) of the High Court Rules, 1971. The application is opposed by the 3rd respondent who argues that there is no basis for setting aside the sale in execution as the decision by the 1st respondent was reached flawlessly and that as such, the decision could not be faulted. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award handed down on 16 July 2013, which ruled that the appellant was lawfully dismissed from employment. The brief factual background is that the appellant was employed by the respondent as Bakery Supervisor. Sometime in 2006, an employee under the appellant’s supervision went off duty for more than 2 days. There was no record of the off duty arrangement. It was done with without the approval of senior management. It also emerged that employees would make verbal, internal arrangements whereby some would take days off with others signing on their behalf. The appellant... More

The appellant was employed by the respondent as the Acting Area Manager at Karoi Depot. It was alleged that the appellant had, during the course of his duties, overstated the figures of seed cotton which had been bought at his depot. Misconduct charges were preferred against the appellant. He was found guilty and dismissed from employment. He appealed to the Managing Director, who dismissed the appeal. The appellant took his matter to the National Employment Council for the Cotton Industry which Tribunal also dismissed his appeal. The appellant has thus sought relief from this court. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award issued in default of appearance by the appellant. More

In this application the applicant seeks the following relief as set out in his draft provisional order attached to his application: “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. That it be and is hereby declared that Applicant, his representatives, employees and invitees are entitled to remain in peaceful and undisturbed, possession, occupation and use of Subdivision 2 Barwick H Farm, Mazowe Districts of Mashonaland Central Province (Hereinafter called “Barwich H farm” until such time as Applicant – should it be necessary... More

In December 2014 both resigned from employment with immediate effect without giving the requisite notice. After resigning, the Respondents lodged a complaint with the Labour Officer claiming non-payment of salaries. Conciliation failed and as a result, the dispute was referred to arbitration. The issues for determination by the Arbitrator were stated as: 1. Were claimants (Respondents) entitled to payment of salary arrears and cash in lieu of leave? 2. Were claimants (Respondents) obliged to give notice. and 3. The appropriate remedy. More

This is an appeal against the arbitral award by Honourable S Nehohwa that was handed down on 7 September 2015. More

This is a civil trial. The plaintiff claims USD450 000-00 from the defendant. The amount is said to represent the replacement cost of an immovable property, and the improvements thereon, previously occupied by the plaintiff, but intentionally destroyed by the defendant. In the alternative the plaintiff claims USD143 588-22, allegedly for unjust enrichment. More