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The appellant was employed by the second respondent. Following allegations of misconduct, the appellant was brought before a disciplinary committee held by the first respondent. She was found guilty and her dismissal was recommended. An appeal to the second respondent did not yield the desired results and the appellant has appealed to this court. More

Applicant seeks that the immovable property known as 92 George Road Chegutu, be registered in the names of herself and her former husband the first respondent. She specifically seeks that the first and second respondents be ordered to sign all necessary documents to have the property jointly registered in the names of the applicant and the first respondent. In the event of non-cooperation from Jose De Brito who is the first respondent and former husband, the order sought is that the Sheriff of Zimbabwe, being the second respondent be empowered to sign such papers on his behalf. More

This case is concerns a sale and transfer of property carried out contrary to a court order. More

On 10 June 2009 this Court issued the following consent order between the parties: “By consent It is ordered that: (a) The Master of the High Court shall appoint from his list of evaluators, an evaluator to assess the value of the improvements on stand 14221 Zengeza 3 Extension Chitungwiza. (b) The 1st defendant shall pay 50% of the assessed value within such period as the parties may mutually agree failing which such period shall be determined by the Court. (c) The parties shall share equally the costs of the evaluation. (d) Each party shall bear his / her own More

This is an appeal against conviction. The appellant was convicted of one count of physical abuse as defined in s 4(1)(a) as read with s 3 of the Domestic Violence Act [Chapter 5:16] (“the DVA”). The Magistrates Court sitting at Chivhu sentenced him to 9 months imprisonment of which 3 months imprisonment was suspended on condition that the appellant does not within the next 5 years commit any offence involving physical abuse and for which upon conviction the appellant is sentenced to a term of imprisonment without the option of a fine. The remaining 6 months imprisonment was suspended on... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the High Court dated 2 July 2014 granting the respondent’s claim to the farm he is leasing from the State. More

: The applicant is married to second respondent in terms of the Marriages Act [Cap 5:11]. Their marriage is apparently on the rocks. The first respondent was married to the late Tongai Katsande who was second respondent’s brother. The third respondent is cited in his official capacity as the property involved is registered in the name of the late Tongai Katsande. More

The plaintiffs’ claimdamages arising out of a road traffic accident.On 21 October 2008, the plaintiffs’ were driving from Mutare to Harare when at the 235, km pega Toyota Camry which was being driven by the second plaintiff, collided with a vehicle that was being driven by the second defendant. More

The 2 plaintiffs instituted summons action against the first and the second defendants jointly and severally the one paying the other to be absolved for US$125 000-00 in respect of the first plaintiff and US$190 000-00 in respect of the second plaintiff as damages for bodily injury sustained in a motor vehicle accident. The plaintiffs were, at the time of the accident, employed by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe as inspectors in the anti-money laundering division. More

This is an application for an order compelling the respondent to assess capital gains tax payable in respect of the sale of stand 965 Mabelreign Township Harare and to receive such tax from the Deputy Sheriff for Harare on the pain of costs of the application. The said property is currently registered in the name of a company known as Ellseck Investments ( Private) Ltd. More

Parties who enter into an unsanctioned lease agreement ought not to seek judicial assistance to enforce their rights and obligations towards each other. More

The essence of this appeal is against the lower court’s refusal to make a factual finding that the respondent, Mavis Mbunga, was the owner of a dog that bit the appellant in an incident which occurred in December 2017. She was bitten on her fore arms, her right thigh, right shoulder, buttock and left breast. The incident occurred when the appellant had gone to the respondent’s residence to look at a potential cottage for rental. She was taken to hospital and her bills were paid for by the respondent. She claimed US$4000.00 in the court below for loss of earnings... More

The plaintiff is a trust duly established in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. The first defendant is a company duly incorporated according to the laws of Zimbabwe. The second defendant is a director of the first defendant. The third defendant is also a trust established in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. It is the sole shareholder in the first defendant. The plaintiff instituted proceedings against the defendants claiming the following relief: “a] An order confirming the mutual termination of the agreement of sale of Stand 487 Quinnington Township of Stand 479 Quinnington Township, Harare [hereinafter the property] entered... More

In this divorce trial, the main issue centres on whether plaintiff is entitled to a 50% share of immovable property known as 316 Ard Na Lee Close, Glen Lorne, in Harare. The claim is against the back drop of nearly four years of marriage to the plaintiff. The parties married in November 2017 and the separated in September 2021. More

The two respondents who are husband and wife purchased curtain piece of land situated in the District of Umtali called stand 86 Murambi Gardens of Umtali Township lands measuring 3450 square metres for RTGS $450 000 .00 through a deputy Sheriff’s public auction. The property was previously owned by the now appellant. The two were confirmed purchasers of the property on 5 March 2019, they are now title holders under Deed of Transfer No.3520/19. The respondents then issued summons against the appellant in the magistrate court seeking her eviction from the property at the same time claiming holding over damages... More