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: This is an application for a declaratur by applicant in terms of section 14 of the High Court Act [Chapter 7:06]. The initial Draft Order filed together with the application on 19 July 2021 has since been abandoned by applicant and replaced by another More

HUNGWE J: The plaintiff issued summons against the Executor Dative in the Estate of the late I.V. Rukatya of Chiredzi claiming an order that the cancellation of the Agreement of Sale by the defendant be set aside; that the plaintiff pays to the defendant the sum of Z$400 million (old value) within seven days; that the defendant takes all the necessary steps to pass transfer of plot No. 339 Mkwasine Settlement Holdings, Ndanga District to the plaintiff within 21 days of this order failing which the Deputy Sheriff be authorised to sign all papers necessary to pass such transfer to... More

This is an apposed application in which the court interdicted the first respondent and all those acting through him from interfering in any way with the applicant’s occupation of stand 2087 Acorn Township Goromonzi, and ordered the first respondent to pay costs on a higher scale, on 15 September 2016. More

This appeal raises the question whether by remaining with possession of progeny of stray beasts such a possessor commits stock theft. More

The applicant was picked up by the police on Sunday 5 February 2006. He was taken to Matapi Police Station where he was detained without charge. On 6 February 2006, the investigation of the matter was turned over to the 1st respondent. On the same day around 4.30 p.m. the 1st respondent and 2nd respondents proceeded to applicant’s workplace, Dockson Investments (Private) Limited, in Shamva. In Shamva, they received information that the applicant had committed fraud or theft against his employer. The two respondents then investigated the matter and on Wednesday 8 February, took the applicant to court for his... More

In March, 2022 the first respondent successfully applied, through the urgent chamber book, for a provisional order in terms of which he interdicted the applicant from carrying out construction work at Stand number 3914, Westgate, Sandton, Harare as well as evicting the applicant from the property. He filed his suit under HC 1696/22. He sued the applicant, the second and third respondents. More

Applicant is a member of the Zimbabwe Catering and Hotel Workers Union (1st respondent). 1st respondent’s stated aims and objectives are the establishment of a union that seeks to regulate the relations between members and their employees and to protect and further the interests of members in relation to their employees. Amongst other objectives, 1st respondent was established to foster and encourage the establishment of good conditions in the workplace and generally to promote the interests of its members. Membership to the 1st respondent is open to employees in the Catering Industry in Zimbabwe. In terms of section 23 (8)... More

: I earlier, ordered that the application is dismissed with costs. These are the comprehensive reasons for so ordering. This is an urgent chamber application wherein applicants seek the following relief: More

MAVANGIRA JA: [1] The appellant faces one count of robbery as defined in s 126 (1) (a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. He and accomplices allegedly conspired to rob a ZB bank cash in transit truck that was transporting cash amounting to US$2 775 000to the bank’s branches in Chinhoyi, Kadoma, Gweru, Bulawayo, Gwanda and Zvishavane. More

On 5 March Applicant’s application for bail came before me and after an exchange with the applicant’s counsel I dismissed the application. It is not always necessary that the bail court provides detailed reasons for the decision in an opposed application especially in those cases where the court has through an exchange with counsel made clear its reasons for the decision reached. In casu the applicant has requested reasons for the dismissal of his application for bail – these are they. More

On the 23rd January 2020 the applicant was driving a Honda Fit motor vehicle bearing registration number AEB 2285 along Herbert Chitepo Street, in the Central Business District, Bulawayo. The applicant collided with a stationary vehicle which was dropping off passengers near “Pick ’N’ Pay” supermarket. The applicant did not stop his motor vehicle and fled the scene at high speed, turning right into 11th Avenue. He struck and injured 3 pedestrians who were crossing the road. Applicant drove his motor vehicle with one of the injured pedestrians clinging to the windscreen for about 80-100 metres before he was dislodged... More

On 19th July 2012 the NEC for the Chemicals and Fertilizers Manufacturing Industry made a determination. In terms of thereof, the NEC upheld the dismissal of Appellant by Respondent from its employ. Appellant then appealed to this Court. More

This was an appeal against the whole of the judgment of the Administrative Court of Zimbabwe handed down on 7 September 2020 as case number ACC87/19, judgment number AC 9/20. The appeal was heard on 20 October 2021. The court proceeded to give an ex tempore judgment. It dismissed the appeal with costs on a legal practitioner and client scale. Written reasons have been requested by the appellant. These are they. More

This is an application for condonation of applicant’s failure to comply with r 37(2) as read with r 38 (1) (a) of the Supreme Court Rules 2018 and extension of time within which to appeal. More

This is an application for leave to appeal to this court against the judgment of this court that was handed down on 10 July 2015. In its judgment this court upheld the decision of Honourable Arbitrator Grurupira that was issued on 15 August 2014. More