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Court Judgements

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This is a court application seeking an order in the following terms; “IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 1. The judgment debt, costs and interest obtained by the 1st respondent to the amount of ZAR252 356.38 in case No. 420B/18 has been paid in full and final by the applicant’s deposit of ZWL23 000-00. 2. The applicant’s property attached for execution of judgment debt by the 2nd respondent be released immediately. 3. 1st and 2nd respondent pay applicant’s costs on a higher scale the one paying and the other to be absolved.” More

This is an application for bail pending trial. Applicant is facing ten counts of contravening section 126 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23]. The allegations are that between the periods extending from 12 July 2019 to 20 August 2020, the applicant embarked on a spree of armed robberies in Bulawayo. It is alleged that he was targeting various taxi operators whom he would rob of cash and other valuables after threatening to shoot them with a pistol. It is alleged that on arrest the police recovered an unregistered FN pistol in his possession. Again, it is... More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of heads of argument. It is common cause that at the commencement of litigation between the parties applicant was represented by a trade union representative. At some stage during the litigation process, the trade union representative decided to engage the services of a legal practitioner. This firm of legal practitioners was styled Macheyo Law Chambers. It is also common cause that at a later stage, applicant’s current legal practitioners came on board and represented the applicant. During this litigation process respondent caused to be served on Macheyo Law Chambers a notice... More

The case itself has a chequered history being a labour dispute that has gone backwards and forwards as the parties bickered over either the procedure adopted or the choice of arbiter. The appellant was employed by the respondent as its Managing Director. He was suspended from employment in April 2010 on allegations of gross incompetence and gross inefficiency under s 4(f) and (h) of the National Employment Code of Conduct, S.I. 15 of 2006 (the National Code of Conduct). More

The plaintiff issued out summons against the defendants for the payment of “a) General and special damages in the sum of US$32 500 arising from a road accident caused by the negligence of the 2nd defendant whilst in the course and scope of his employment with 1st defendant. b) Interest on the above amount at the prescribed rate of 5% per annum from the date of judgment to the date of full and final payment. c) Costs of suit.” More

This is an application filed under a certificate of urgency. Applicant seeks the following relief: “Terms of Interim Relief 1. It is ordered that the respondents are hereby interdicted from dealing in any manner whatsoever with the property presently registered in the 1st respondent’s names and held by her under Deed of Transfer 1450/2019, which may result in the said property being transferred to another party. 2. The 1st respondent be and is hereby ordered to return the status quo ante prevailing in respect of applicant’s occupation of plot 4 Fairstar, Bulawayo. 3. The 3rd respondent be and is hereby... More

This application purports to be a chamber application for directions. The order sought in the draft order is in the following terms: The respondent be and is hereby directed to complete the draft ruling in terms of the Labour Act (Chapter 28:01) Amendment No. 5 of 205 and issue a certificate of settlement to enable the applicant to register his names in terms of the Labour Act section 10(6) and proceed to arbitration. 2. There shall be no order as to costs.” More

This is an appeal against refusal of bail by the magistrate’s court. The applicants are facing two counts of unlawful entry in aggravating circumstances and one count of possession of articles for criminal use in contravention of s 131 and s 40 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23]. More

The applicant is a Zimbabwean national who was previously resident in the neighboring country of Botswana having been so resident there for some fifteen years. He is aggrieved by the forfeiture and disposal by the 1st respondent of one of the two motor vehicles he was desirousof bringing into Zimbabwe upon his relocation from Botswana in October 2017. He claims that this motor vehicle (a Toyota Coaster Minibus with Registration No. B 571 BEB) (hereinafter referred to as the “motor vehicle”) was improperly, irregularly and corruptly disposed of by official of the 1st respondent stationed at Plumtree boarder post (the... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the arbitrator where he dismissed application for rescission of judgment filed by the now appellant in a matter where default judgment had been entered for the now respondent employer. More

This is an application for review of a decision by the respondent dismissing the applicant from its employ. The applicant was aggrieved by the following: i) That no oral evidence was called to enable him to cross examine witnesses; that there was unnecessary splitting of charges; that – the Appellant was found guilty of an offence which he was not originally charged with; that on appeal within the internal process the Appellate Tribunal was not supposed to call for evidence; that the internal review process was improperly exercised. The applicant was also aggrieved by the Disciplinary Committee’s decision to impose... More

Sometime in August 2005 and at a sale in execution the applicant purchased the first respondent’s rights title and interest in Stand 124, The Grange Township of the Grange commonly known as number 4 Wroxham Road The Grange Harare (the property). On 7 September 2005, the second respondent confirmed the sale. The first respondent then filed and objection to the sale in terms of rule 259. The second respondent dismissed the objection on 4 October 2005. More

Appellant was charged with 4 counts of rape in terms of s 65 of the Criminal (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. He pleaded not guilty and after a trial in the matter was found guilty of 4 counts of having sexual intercourse with a young person in terms of s 70 of the Criminal (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court handed down on 18 July 2018 in which it ordered the appellant to deliver to the respondent 167275 Old Mutual Public Limited Company shares within 10 days of the date of the order. Alternatively, it ordered the appellant to pay damages equivalent to the value of 167275 Old Mutual Public Limited Company shares calculated using the rate determined by the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange as at the close of trading on the last day that Old Mutual PLC traded in Zimbabwe. The appellant was also ordered to pay costs... More

On 3rd March 2023 at Bindura, Labour Officer L. Denhere issued a ruling which reads, “Having considered the foregoing analysis I dismiss the claims for underpayment and non-payment of termination benefits. The respondent is ordered to pay the claimant cash in lieu of for 90 days accrued and give him a reference letter.” Appellant (employee) then appealed the ruling in terms of section 92D of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01 hereafter called the Act. Respondent (employer) opposed the appeal. More