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The plaintiff company issued summons against the defendant company on 25 November 2009. It claimed the payment of US$ 2 957.10 being the cost of the outstanding bags of mealie meal delivered to the defendant; interest at the prescribe rate from the date of the issue of summons to the date of payment in full and costs at the legal practitioner and client scale. The defendant contested the matter. More

The appellant was employed by the respondent as an investigation officer level 8 which is a managerial position. The appellant was on a fixed term contract which expired in July 2014. A new four year contract was entered into commencing August 2014 and expiring July 2018. In November 2014 the respondent became aware that the appellant had been involved in acts of misconduct in December 2013 during the currency of an expired contract. Investigations were carried out and the appellant was arraigned before a disciplinary and grievances committee facing a charge of having acted in a manner inconsistent with the... More

The appellant in this matter appeared before a magistrate sitting at Filabusi Magistrates Court, charged with the crime of stock theft in contravention of section 114 (2) (i) and (ii) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, chapter 9:03. It was alleged that on a date unknown to the prosecutor but during the month of June 2017 and at Filabusi grazing lands, Samuel Nsingo and Obvious Mlauzi or one or more of them went to Papama area where they found five (5) herd of cattle grazing freely unattended. The two then stole and drove the 5 cattle to their... More

This is an application for condonation for late filing of an application for review. More

MAKONESE J: On 19th January 2019, the country was rocked by demonstrations and protests under the code name “Shutdown Zimbabwe”. In Bulawayo, the second largest city, mobs of violent protesters went on a rampage burning motor vehicles, assaulting innocent civilians and causing massive destruction to property. A police officer, Ekson Maure was caught up in the melee, andwas assaulted by unknown persons. He sustained fatal injuries and later died. On 24 April 2021 the two applicants were arrested on murder allegations. They both deny the charge. Applicants are currently in remand at Khani Prison. Applicants apply for bail pending trial.... More

This is a chamber application for condonation of late filing of appeal against a decision of the Respondent’s Disciplinary Committee. Applicants were dismissed on 25 September 2012. The letters notifying them of the results of the disciplinary hearing and penalty of dismissal have an endorsement “refused to sign”. Applicants however claim that they were not given a dismissal letter but were given minutes of the hearing. They further claim to have been advised by NECCS for Agriculture that they were out of time to appeal. They also indicate that at the Ministry of Labour the Respondent said the Labour Officer... More

The applicant has approached this court in terms of r 31(3), seeking the dismissal of the respondent’s action in case HC 783/22, for want of prosecution. The application is premised upon the failure of the respondent to file his replication to the defendant’s plea, and to take any further steps to prosecute his matter, in the main action thereafter. The facts and the inaction of the respondent to file further pleadings are not in dispute. It is common cause that, the applicant and the respondent were once co-directors in the same Company, sharing the same business premises. It is alleged... More

On 29 November 2021 my brother Musithu J granted the following provisional order in the urgent application proceedings. “It is ordered that: Pending the determination of this matter on the return day, the applicant is granted the following interim relief: 1. The operation of the circular resolution executed by the first and second respondents dated 1st October 2021 authorising the placing of Adlecraft Investments (Private) Limited under voluntary business rescue proceedings is suspended.2. The respondents are hereby interdicted from implementing the terms of that resolution.” More

This matter was brought as an urgent chamber application seeking a spoliation order following what applicants alleged was forced eviction from premises known as Stand 14432 Salisbury Township which they were letting from the respondent, the National Railways of Zimbabwe, a parastatal. I heard the matter on the merits having made a decision at the hearing that the argument that the matter was not urgent because the applicants had failed to take action between the 29th of December and the re-filing of the application was not sustainable. More

The Respondent worked for Appellant as a Till Operator. He was dismissed from employment with effect from 29 October, 2010 on a charge of UNSATISFACTORYWORK; PERFORMANCE.It was Respondent’s case that firstly, on the 11th of September, 2010 he took an orange drink and vanilla biscuits to another till operator, Joseph Dube. Although the till operator rang the goods on his till, the Respondent did not pay for the goods.Secondly, on several occasions between the 23rd September, 2010 and 27th September, 2010 the Respondent incurred shortages amounting to $131, 77 as follows; 22/09/10 $15, 09 23/09/10 $61, 66 24/09/12 $19, 48... More

This is an application for leave to appeal judgment LC/H/223/20, a judgment of this court. The respondent hasraised two preliminary issues. These are: (i) That the judgment was a default judgment and therefore not appealable andthat the proper course of action is to apply for rescission and (ii) That the application should be heard by a judge in chambers and not in open court. It was argued on behalf of the respondent that the application or leave ought to have been done through a Chamber Book. In support of his submission on when or before who an application for leave... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Chief Designated Agent of the Negotiating Committee of the National Employment Council for the Commercial Sectors of Zimbabwe upholding a decision of its Local Joint Committee overturning the respondent’s dismissal of the respondent from its employ following disciplinary proceedings. The respondent had preliminary issues to raise. However , at the commencement of the hearing Mr Muhambi who represented the respondent abandoned the preliminary issues so that the merits of the case could be considered. That was commendable as this expedites finality to litigation. The facts of this matter appear not to... More

The appellant, “Old Mutual Zimbabwe” created a trust, whose purpose, as captured in the trust Recordal “was to promote the objectives of the Indigenisation Laws and to comply therewith, and as an incentive scheme for the employees of the Company and its subsidiaries.” The Minister of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment, who was the authority responsible for administering the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act [Chapter 14:33], gave his approval of the trust and confirmed that it complied with the legislation on Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment. More

On 22 June 2005 the legal practitioners for the plaintiff instituted summons against the defendant wherein the plaintiff sought delivery of two Nissan motor vehicles, one a 2,4 litre double cab, the other being a 3 litre double cab. In para 2 of the declaration, there is no para 1, despite the heading on the summons and on the declaration itself, the plaintiff is stated as being Old Mutual Properties (Pvt) Ltd. The summons was served on the defendant who entered an appearance to defend the action. Various pleadings were then filed by the parties and the name of the... More

This is an application for leave to execute pending appeal. On 13 September 2006, this court issued a judgment in favour of the applicant. In the judgment, the court ordered the respondent to pay the applicant the sum of $121.52 together with interest thereon at 30 % p.a reckoned from 9 October 2003 to date of payment and the sum of R201 750-08 together with interest thereon at the rate applicable in South African law, also reckoned from 9 October 2003 to date of payment in full. The court also made an award of costs against the respondent. Dissatisfied with... More