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The appellant was convicted, after contest, of contravening s 113 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (the Code). It had been alleged that on 24 July 2018 and at the corner of Visage and Princess Park, Pretoria, South Africa, the appellant stole a motor vehicle, a Chevrolet Trailblazer, belonging to one Lazarus Chitsungo. He was sentenced to 6 years imprisonment of which 8 months were suspended on condition of future good behaviour. Aggrieved by the conviction and sentence he appealed against both. More

This is an exception by the second defendant to summons issued out of this court by the plaintiff on 2 May 2018 against the defendants. In the summons the plaintiff alleged that sometime in 2014 on the instructions of the second defendant, an auction was conducted by auctioneers Hammer and Tongues in respect of an immovable property stand 783 Bannockburn Township . Plaintiff’s bid won and he paid US$36 500.00. The sale was confirmed and he deposited the transfer fees with the conveyancers. In due course, however he was advised by the conveyancers that the sale had been rescinded and... More

This application was placed before me as one for summary judgment in terms of R30 of the High Court Rules, 2021. On the 13th of October 2022 after hearing the parties, I gave judgment ex tempore. I have been requested for reasons and these are they. Although there is reference to applicant and respondents, in my view, the correct reference is plaintiff and defendant given that it is an application for summary judgment. More

This is an appeal in terms of Rule 19 of the Labour Court Rules, 2017. The appeal was noted as against the determination of the Respondent’s Disciplinary Committee handed down on 14thApril, 2023. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award. The respondent was employed as a cook by appellant from January 2005 to 30 January 2015, when he retired More

The applicant sought an order confirming the provisional order which incidentally I granted on an urgent basis on 26 June 2012. More

I must acknowledge the inordinate delay in rendering this judgment. The delay was due to misfiling of records by the judge’s legal clerk. Indeed by letter dated 27 September 2017, the applicant’s legal practitioners wrote a letter to follow-up on the judgment. More

Appellant was aggrieved by an arbitral award wherein the Arbitrator found that Respondent had been unfairly dismissed and ordered his reinstatement with full pay and benefits or alternatively that he be paid his back pay and damages in lieu of reinstatement. More

Both matters were disposed of on the basis of a concession made that the facts in respect of each case did not disclose an offence. What follows are the reasons for the order made on that day striking both matters off the roll. More

This application was dismissed on the date of hearing. A request has been made for reasons for the dismissal.These are they. Applicant is facing a charge of raping his employee. Applicant is alleged to have raped the complainant who was employed as a housemaid. After the rape the complainant sent a text message to her mother and reported to the police. Applicant was arrested. He indicated that he was employed by the Ministry of Health and Child Care as a Male Circumcision Mobilizer at Nyadire Mission Hospital, Mutoko. He was placed on remand and on 26 August, 2022, an application... More

The applicant applied for bail pending trial before FOROMA J on 26 June, 2020. The application was dismissed on 24 July, 2020. The reasons for judgment are contained in judgment HH 486/20. That judgment sets out the background to the case. I will however briefly refresh on the background so that this judgement is understood in context. It is also noted that there is a further background to the application which FOROMA J did not deal with but is relevant to the bail applications. More

On 26 May 2022, a default judgment was handed down in case number HC 6499/21. First respondent was the plaintiff in that matter. The default order declared her to be the surviving spouse of the deceased Alexander Makwena entitling her to inherit in the deceased’s estate and ordered second and third respondents to include her in the final administration account and distribution plan. The present application was filed on 6 October 2022. More

This is an urgent chamber application for an order interdicting the respondent from instituting a suitability inquiry in respect of the applicant pending determination of the court application for review filed by the applicant under case No. HC 6543/18. The application is opposed by the respondent. The convoluted facts of this matter are that in 2014 the applicant instituted an application for review under Case No. HC 10614/14. The respondent, who was also the respondent in that matter failed to file his notice of opposition timeously. Respondent then filed an application for condonation and extension of the time within which... More

“Appellant in this matter was employed as a standby driver for a period of four years. On the 3rd of January 2015, appellant was called to ferry employees on standby from the mine to slymes dam. On that particular day it was raining heavily and appellant went to the slymes dam on two occasions without any problem. On the third occasion the car stopped in the midst of stagnant water caused by heavy rains. Appellant was charged by respondent on allegations of gross incompetence and he was dismissed at the initial hearing and the appeals committee upheld the verdict.” More

This is an appeal against the judgment by the Gweru magistrates court delivered on 28 June 2011. The magistrates court dismissed appellant’s application for variation (downward) of a maintenance order passed by the Harare magistrates court on 31 June 2010 in which appellant was ordered to pay $US240,00 per month as maintenance for the two minor children in addition to payment of school fees, purchase of school uniforms and casual wear. More