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Court Judgements

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On 27 September 2006 the plaintiff wife sued her husband for divorce and other ancillary relief out of this court. He contested the suit and counter claimed for divorce but with different ancillary relief. More

This is an opposed application for rescission of judgment which has its genesis in the dismissal of the applicant Patricia Mapini, from employment by the respondent, Omni Africa. The applicant was engaged as a Sage Pastel Sales Executive by the respondent. The working relationship soured when the respondent terminated the applicant’s contract of employment on the basis of certain allegations it made against her. Aggrieved by what she considered to be unfair dismissal, the applicant sought resolution of the matter through compulsory arbitration. She obtained a default judgment for the sum of US $36 064.00 on 29 June 2012. The... More

This is an application for absolution from the instance. Plaintiff instituted proceedings against the defendant claiming payment of the sum of US$135 700,92 being loss of income arising from an alleged breach of contract by the defendant, together with costs of suit on a punitive scale. The defendant opposed the plaintiff’s claims and filed a counter claim for payment of an amount of US$57 320,83 which it alleged was a debt arising from stock that was supplied to the plaintiff on credit. At the commencement of this trial, Mr Jaravaza appearing for the defendant indicated that the amount sought in... More

Applicant applied to this Court for the review of her retrenchment by 1st Respondent. The gist of her case is set out in the Founding Affidavit as follows “7. 1st Respondent unlawful referred her proposed retrenchment to 2nd Respondent whereas the Labour Court provides that the proposed package was supposed to be referred to, the National Employment for Electronics Communications and Allied Industry which is the Employment Council for 1st Respondent 8. 2nd Respondent failed to realise that it had no jurisdiction to confirm the proposed retrenchment package because 1st Respondent had a functional National Employment Council. 11. The 2nd... More

1. This is an appeal against both conviction and sentence. THE BACKGROUND 2. The appellant was convicted by the Magistrates Court on a charge of unlawful dealing in dangerous drugs as defined in s 156(1)(c) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] (the Criminal Law Code). 3. She was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment of which 1 year imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on the usual conditions of good behaviour. 4. The Court a quo found that the appellant, who resided in Msasa Park in Harare, had unlawfully dealt in two hundred and seventy-one kilogrammes of... More

On 14 September 2016 the plaintiffs issued summons against the defendants jointly and severally the one paying the others to be absolved for the payment of a) US$40 750.00 and R328 900 for damages and losses suffered by the plaintiffs due to defendants’ negligence in their provision of medical services to the plaintiff. More

The applicant seeks an order compelling the defendants to comply with the plaintiff’s contract of employment and motor vehicle policy and offer her a Toyota Fortuner to purchase. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court sitting at Harare in which the court granted a provisional order in favour of the respondent. The essence of the order was to interdict the appellant and his agents and all those occupying the farm through him, from interfering with farming activities at Plot 1 of Alpha of Sandringham in Mazowe District of Mashonaland Central Province. The matter was brought on a certificate of urgency. More

The Applicant is currently in occupation of an A2 Farm measuring 125 hectares which farm is identified as S/D 43 Mahara Farm, Ward 16, Mvuma [the farm]. The 1st to the 4th Respondents are all cited in their official capacities. The 1st Respondent is the Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development. He deals inter alia with issues pertaining to agricultural land. [the Minister] The 2nd Respondent is the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for the Midlands Province. I presume he is cited because the said farm is situated in the Midlands Province among other... More

The applicant lodged this application against the respondents in his capacity as a citizen and consumer of electricity in Zimbabwe. In his application he seeks the nullification and setting aside of the appointments of third to eighth respondents as Board members of the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory authority and thereafter an order directing the first respondent to make the necessary arrangements to appoint a new board of suitably qualified persons. He also seeks an order interdicting third to eighth respondents from performing or exercising any powers as Board members. More

I must say from the onset that I hold the view that applications for the review of uncompleted proceedings of a lower court, particularly criminal proceedings, being brought before a single Judge in Motion Court should be greatly discouraged. They are, in my view, generally undesirable. More

The petitioner and the respondent are political party activists. The former is a member of a political outfit which is known as Citizens for Coalition Change. The latter is a member of the Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front. These are respectively referred to as CCC and ZANU (PF), for short. Both parties successfully filed their nomination papers with the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (“ZEC”). They were sponsored by the political parties to which they are members. Both of them participated in the harmonized election which took place on 23 August, 2023. They were each vying for a parliamentary seat for Gwanda... More

This is an appeal against a decision of the respondent’s Appeals Committee which confirmed a guilty verdict against appellant. More

On 3 December 2010 I dismissed this urgent application with costs and indicated that my reasons for doing so would follow. These are they. More

Appellant was convicted of one count of theft of property which belonged to a partnership, which property was worth US59, 000-00. He was sentenced to a pay a fine of US$600-00 or in default of payment, to serve a term of 6 months imprisonment. More