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Court Judgements

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The appellant, Paul Mgodi, who was a respondent in an application for an interdict in the court below, was interdicted from developing or causing the development of Stand 1484 Chirundu. The applicant, was Duweni Kutepa and is the first respondent herein. His averments in seeking that interdict were that sometime in 2015 he had been offered a commercial stand, being Stand 1484 Chrirundu by Chirundu Local Board, the second respondent herein. This had been through a letter dated 4 December 2014 which he annexed to his application. He averred that he had since paid the purchase price inclusive of all... More

The appellant was convicted of fraud as defined in s 136 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] and sentenced to 24 months imprisonment of which 4 months was suspended for 5 years on conditions of future good behaviour, of the remaining 20 months, 5 months imprisonment was suspended on condition that appellant restitutes complainant. In addition 2 months imprisonment suspended previously were brought into effect. More

This is an application for the rescission of a judgment issued in default of Applicant’s appearance on 24 January 2012. The application was filed on 1 August 2012. More

The plaintiff issued summons against the first defendants claiming Z$150 000 000-00 as damages for an assault he suffered allegedly at the hands of members of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) as well as the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) who, according to the plaintiff, were acting within the course and scope of their employment with the defendants on 31 March 2003. In his declaration the plaintiff makes the following averments. More

This is an appeal against the Appeals Board’s decision that upheld the Grievance and Disciplinary Committee’s decision upholding Appellant’s dismissal from Respondent’s employment. More

The plaintiff issued summons claiming a decree of divorce, rights of access to the minor child, a division of matrimonial assets and costs of suit. the defendant also filed a counter- claim seeking similar relief. More

This is an application for upliftment of caveat number 421/2014 placed on certain piece of land situate in the District of Salisbury called stand 143 Northwood Township of Sumben measuring 4263 square metres held under Deed of Transfer registered number 5115/1999 and Deed of Transfer Registered Number 7783/2015 (“the property.”) The applicants also seek an order requiring the second respondent to transfer the property to them within the next 21 days failing which the Sheriff for Zimbabwe should do all such things as are necessary to effect the transfer. Finally, costs are sought against first respondent on a punitive scale. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Harare Magistrates Court, sitting on 10 June 2010, granting an eviction order against the appellant. The appellant seeks an order setting aside that decision and dismissing the respondent’s application for eviction of the appellant. He also seeks an order for costs on a legal practitioner and client scale. More

Appellant a registered General Nurse at Parirenyatwa was charged for stealing 21 Metronidazole tablets which had been prescribed for a patient who had since been discharged. She was found guilty by the Disciplinary Committee and was discharged from employment. More

This is a claim for a decree of divorce and ancillary relief. The parties were married in terms of the Marriage Act then Chapter 5:11 on the 1st of August 2015 and the marriage still subsists. Prior to their marriage they entered in a pre-nuptial contract to govern their marital regime. They have 2 minor children born of the marriage namely; Keegan Bruce Duncan King a boy born on 4June 2016 and Phillipa Ann King a girl born on 22 February 2018. More

The plaintiff sued the defendant for adultery damages in the sum of $60 000 000-00 (old currency). The claim was amended to $5 000 000-00 (revalued) before the commencement of trial. More

On 1 September, 2021 the defendant’s customs officials placed the plaintiff’s truck and trailer under notice of seizure. The truck, 2012 Freightliner Columbia Horse, bears registration number AEZ 0647. It was pulling a 2012, Henred Tridem Trailer which bears registration number AFJ 8260 More

On 8 March, 2022 the fourth respondent, a legal entity, was granted a permit to use Stands 961 and 962 (“the stands”), Pomona Township of Stand 875 Pomona Township, Pomona, Borrowdale, Harare for a funeral parlor. The grant of the permit to the fourth respondent constitutes the applicant’s cause of action. It alleges that it owns Stand numbers 955, 959, 966, 967 and 968 in the same mentioned area and that a permit granting a change of use of land will adversely affect its operations. More

Parents have an obligation to their minor children in a very broad form. Children look up to their parents for love, care, affection, shelter, food and upkeep among others. The children also expect their parents to be able to meet their school and tuition fees along with stationery and other everyday needs. It is expected of them to be able to sit down and map a smooth and amicable resolution on the choice of school and payment of school fees, buying school uniforms, stationery and other requirements. More

The application was one seeking to reinstate case number LC/H/663/23. The applicant was also seeking to file his heads of arguments within seven (7) days of the court’s order. More