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Court Judgements

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Plaintiff has sued defendant for payment of the sum of $379 345.00 being the balance due and owing in respect of the cost of mining equipment sold and delivered to defendant by plaintiff. In the summons defendant was cited initially as Haygold Enterprises t/a Nzee Mining P/L and plaintiff as Roselt Mitchell Enterprises t/a Metal Components Manufacturers. More

The applicant is a qualified legal practitioner. She is with the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights. On 7 June, 2012 she was driving her Mazda 626 Familia motor vehicle registration number ABF 8666 en route to a business meeting. She was stopped by the police at a roadblock along Robert Mugabe Road near Rhodesville Police Station. The motor vehicle had no current licence disc as required in terms of the Vehicle Registration and Licensing Act, [Cap 13:14], (the Act) the previous licence having expired on 31 May, 2012. More

The judgement was prepared in 2017. It was not handed down. I extend my sincere apologies to the parties for the delay. This is an appeal against on arbitral award handed down by Honourable S. Mugumbi on the 3rd of December, 2015. The operative part of which reads as follows; “I therefore accordingly, dismiss the claims in toto. All claims must fail. This will be my award” The material background facts are as follows; The Appellants were all employed by the Respondent in various capacities. They were all engaged on the basis of open-ended contracts i.e. contracts without the limit... More

This is a two pronged chamber application for recusal. The first prong being the failure to follow normal allocation channels by the Judge President. The second prong is the proximity of the Plaintiff to the trial Judge in the main divorce trial. More

On 30 June 2021, the applicant’s legal practitioner made an application for removal of this matter from the roll. The basis was that the applicant was ill disposed. The respondent’s legal practitioner was not opposed to the application. It is trite that removal of a matter from the role is at the discretion of the court. I have noted over the years that often times matters are removed from the roll without any clear reasons or no reasons at all being endorsed on the file. It becomes difficult for a different judge upon whom the matter is then placed to... More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court (the court a quo) sitting at Harare dated 26 August 2020 confirming the cancellation of the agreement of sale entered into between the first respondent and the late Benjamin Njiwah and ordering ejection of the appellant from the property described as Stand Number 3131 Dzivarasekwa Township, Harare (the property). More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court handed down on 20 February 2019 which granted summary judgment in favour of the respondent for the eviction of the appellant, and all those claiming occupation through her, from stand no 3437 Highfield Township, Harare (“the property”) after dismissing the appellant’s application for condonation of the late filing of heads of arguments in opposition to the summary judgment application. More

The charges for which Appellant was found guilty and dismissed from Respondent’s employ were: - Any act or conduct or omission inconsistent with express or implied conditions of the employee’s contract. - Being dishonest in the performance of normal duties. More

The applicant is the registered owner of a Toyota Chasser motor vehicle registration number ABL 2611. It was registered in her name on 9 November 2009. The first respondent is the Minister of Home Affairs cited in his official capacity as the Minister responsible for the Zimbabwe Republic Police. More

The plaintiff is the eldest daughter of the late Filmon Philemon Damasi who died on 30 March 1989 and the late Esthery Damasi who died on 5 June 1990. First defendant is the eldest son but the youngest child to the late Filmon Philemon Damasi and Esthery Damasi. The estate of late Filmon Philemon Damasi included an immovable property, that is, House No. 3685 Old Highfield, Harare of which he was the registered owner. In 1989 the first defendant was appointed executor dative to the estate late Philemon Damasi and issued with letters of administration under DRH. 389/89. More

The matter was placed before me as an application for condonation for late filing of an application for review against the Respondent’s Hearing Officer’s determination handed down on 16th October, 2018. The application is premised on Rule 22 as read with Rule 20 of the Labour Court Rules, Statutory Instrument of 2017. The application is opposed. More

This is an application for a review of the decision of the Respondent’s Disciplinary Committee which found Applicant guilty of contravening the National Code of conduct SI 15 /06 and subsequently dismissed her. Applicant was suspended and charged on 26 November 2012 with theft or fraud, alternatively, conduct which is inconsistent with one’s conditions of contract in contravention of the National Code of Conduct. She was brought before a Disciplinary Committee which deliberated on her matter and found her guilty of the misconduct complained of. More

This is an appeal against a determination by an arbitrator. Section 98(10) of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01] (The Act) stipulates that questions of law only are raised on appeal to this Court on an appeal from a decision of an arbitrator. More

There have been long running legal battles between the applicants on one side and the 2nd respondent on the other over occupation of the farm. The background to the battles is that the applicants were the owners of Fangudu Farm in the Umtali District. The farm was acquired by the state in 2005. Subsequent to the acquisition, the 2nd respondent was issued by the Minister of Land and Rural Resettlement with an offer letter dated 11 July 2006 to occupy the land and he proceeded to do so. More

The applicants seek a declaratory order in this matter in the following terms as appears at p 53 of the record as follows: 1. That it be and is hereby declared that the stay of execution of Honourable Mr Justice T KARWI’s provisional order under case number HC 6541/09 obtained by the third respondent as the applicant under case number HC 128/2010 (HH 16-2010) has lapsed for want of prosecution of an application for rescission of judgment within the time limits ordered and directed by Honourable Justice MUSAKWA under case number HC 128/2010 (HH 16-2010). 2. That it be and... More