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KABASA J: This is an appeal against a determination made by the Provincial Mining Director for Matebeleland South. The determination filed of record has 15th June 2020 as the date of determination and T. Makaza as the official who made such determination. The notice of appeal however has a different date as the date of the determination and a different name of the official who is said to have made that determination. More

On the day of hearing this matter, I issued an order in the following terms: “1. The decision of the 2nd Respondent of dismissing the Applicants’ application for recusal in Case No. CRB 12586/15 be and is hereby set aside. 2. That the proceedings in case number CRB 12586/15 commence de novo before another Magistrate. 3. That there be no order as to costs.” More

The applicants’ journey to justice is long and arduous. Their case passed through the hands of not less than six (6) judges of this court. I am the seventh in the queue of judges. As I write this judgment, the case is not coming to finality soon. I am dealing with an interlocutory matter. Two or more judges may deal with the rest of the case. When they will do so will depend on the outcome of this judgment. More

On 27 February 2012 the applicant filed a court application in terms of r 233(3) against the respondent seeking to evict it from number 29 Craster Road, Southerton, Harare. The application was served on the respondent on 28 February 2012. In terms of the rules of court the respondent had ten days within which to respond. The dies inducae expired on 13 March without any response from the respondent. The respondent however filed its notice of opposition a day later on 14 March 2012. More

The plaintiff, an incorporation engaged in the business of selling electrical accessories, computers and wholesale cellular airtime at No. 83 Kaguvi Street, Harare, sued the defendant, a business woman operating a shop with her Nigerian husband at No. 2 Park Street Harare for US$15 000-00 in terms of an acknowledgement of debt signed on 14 January 2011. More

This is a chamber application filed on urgency. More

The applicant seeks a review of the decision of the second respondent to cancel Mining license number ‘X’ Mine 47622 issued in the applicants name and for an order of its reinstatement. The draft order to the application was couched as follows- “IT IS ORDERED THAT:- 1. That the cancellation of Applicant’s Mining Certificate for Shamva ‘X’ Mine Registration number 47622 posted on the Notice Board at Bindura, Mashonaland Central Province, at Ministry of Mines and Mining Development offices on 8 April 2021 be and is hereby set aside and substitute with the following orders. “The Applicant’s Mining Certificate for... More

The applicant was indicted before the High Court on a charge of murder as defined in s 47 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23]. The allegation against him was that on 11 April 2017 he caused the death of one Gugu Mkwananzi (the deceased) by striking him with a wooden stool. The applicant pleaded not guilty and a trial ensued. More

The appellant was tried by a regional magistrate sitting at Kadoma Magistrates court on four counts of contravening s 379 of the Mines and Minerals Act [Chapter 21:05] for theft of gold ore. He was acquitted on the first count and convicted on counts two to four. He was sentenced to pay a fine of $9000 in default of payment 1 year imprisonment on each count. An additional 3 years imprisonment was wholly suspended on condition of good behaviour. More

The two matters Spencer’s Creek (Private) Ltd v ZIMNAT General Insurance HC 1801/22 (“HC 1801/22”) and Africa Albida Tourism (Private) Limited and Victoria Falls Safari Lodge Hotel (Private) Limited v ZIMNAT General Insurance HC 1800/22 (“HC 1800/22”) were placed before me one after the other for a further pre-trial conference in terms of r 49(5) of the High Court Rules, 2021. In both matters the plaintiffs claim payment allegedly due to the plaintiff in terms of the insurance contract between the plaintiffs and the defendant. The difference only relates to the amount claimed in that in HC 1801/22 the amount... More

The applicant was employed by the respondent as an environmental health technician. He was charged with three acts of misconduct in terms of the Labour( National Employment Code of Conduct) Regulations, Statutory Instrument 15 of 2006 ( S.I. 15/06). Disciplinary proceedings were conducted against him. He was found guilty of all the three charges. He was penalized with dismissal. He appealed internally but his appeal failed. The applicant was aggrieved by the procedure adopted by the respondent in conducting the disciplinary proceedings hence this application. More

The plaintiff is a female adult and mother to a minor child, namely, Tanaka Thokozani Dhliwayo, who she claimed was fathered by the late Joseph Hlupani Dhliwayo. The first defendant was a sister to the late Joseph Hlupani Dhliwayo who died on the17 June 2002 at Harare. Upon his death the first defendant was appointed executrix dative of his estate. She was given letters of administration on 17 July 2002. In pursuance of her duties as executrix dative, the first defendant lodged the first and final distribution account in the estate late Joseph Hlupani Dhliwayo with the Master’s office on... More

On 6 September 2008, at the 283 km peg along the Harare Chirundu road, an ERF vehicle registration number 811-031E driven by the first defendant during the course and scope of his employment with the second defendant collided with the plaintiff’s vehicle, a Freightliner horse registration number AAZ 9473 and trailer registration number ABB 0565. Arising from that collision, the plaintiff issued summons on 18 June 2009 and sought the necessary costs of repairs to its horse in the sum of US$9 751-22, interest thereon and costs. The action is based on the purported negligence of the first defendant. More

This is a claim for damages suffered by the plaintiff as a result of the loss of its motor vehicle and trailer in a road traffic accident. The accident occurred at the 312 kilometre peg along the Harare-Chirundu road on 25 July 2014. The accident happened when the plaintiff’s Freightliner Horse and trailer bearing registration numbers ACQ 4768 and ACQ 9441 respectively, collided with the first defendant’s Volvo truck with registration number ABQ 5008. The first defendant’s motor vehicle was being driven by the second defendant who was acting in the course and scope of his employment with the first... More

In September, 2010 the plaintiff issued summons against the two defendants claiming damages in the sum of US$281 500-00 plus costs of suit. In the declaration, it is averred that: “The first defendant, acting in connivance with the second defendant, wrongfully and intentionally destroyed the plaintiff’s shop on false grounds that it was an illegal structure.” More