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Court Judgements

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This was an urgent chamber application heard over two days, two weeks apart. Issues emerged on the first day of hearing that necessitated an investigation and a report by the third and fourth respondents’ officials. The third and fourth respondents did not oppose the application. They indicated they would abide by any court order issued. More

This trial involves a dispute over who is the registered owner of 5th defendant school (sometimes simply referred to as the school). As crisply put in the issue referred to trial the issue is “Whether or not plaintiff is the registered owner of the school being 5th defendant”. More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court. On the 27 September 2013 I dismissed the appeal by the Applicant who had been challenging the Arbitrator’s finding that an employer could not extend the probation period beyond 3 months pursuant to section 12 (5) of the Labour Act. More

The Respondent was formerly employed by the Appellant as a Driver. He was dismissed from employment on 22 October 2021 following disciplinary proceedings. The charge that had been levelled was that of breach of Schedule 4;3 and 4:10 of the National Employment Council for Welfare and Educational Institutions (NECWEI) Employment Code of Conduct. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award on quantification of damages. The arbitrator had issued an award on 20 September 2015 ordering reinstatement of the respondent failing which either party could approach the tribunal for quantification. The arbitrator quantified the damages due to the respondent basing on written submissions and oral evidence. More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of an application for review of respondent’s decision declining allocation of land to applicant for the benefit of its members. More

On the 13th December 2018 at Harare, Arbitrator S. Nehowa made an award. She ordered Appellant (employer) to reinstate Respondents (employees) without loss of salary and benefits. Alternatively she ordered the employer to pay the employees damages in amounts either agreed by theparties or quantified by her. The employer then appealed to this Court against the award. The 1st ground of appeal charged that the Arbitrator made a determination “against a non-legal persona as cited despite a preliminary point having been raised and not disposed on the record by the Tribunal” More

This is an appeal against a judgment of the Labour Court dated 27 September 2013. After hearing argument we made an order allowing the appeal in part and indicated that the reasons thereof would be availed in due course. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the National Employment Council for Welfare and Educational Institutions Appeals Committee ( the Appeals Committee)which was handed down on the 7th of December 2023. In the present appeal the appellant has raised 3 grounds of appeal. The matter was heard before me on 3 March 2024. More

The appellant is a former owner of Clifton of Lang, Mberengwa, measuring 2025, 8116 hectares (the farm). The farm was acquired by the Government and became State land in terms of the Government Gazette Extra Ordinary Volume LXXVIII No. 50, General Notice 457A of 2000 published on 6 October 2000. More

The background facts to this matter are that respondent was initially offered employment as a teller by appellant. He was to be employed with effect from 1STApril 2010. On the day of commencement of work, the 1STApril 2010, appellant terminated (the first termination) respondent’s employment on the allegation that he had failed to meet certain security requirements. Respondent challenged this through the Ministry of Labour on the basis that appellant had relied on incorrect information. Appellant reconsidered its position and reinstated respondent on 29THMay 2010. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Labour Court dated 25 September 2017. The facts giving rise to the appeal are by and large common cause. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the NEC Appeals Board of the Banking Undertaking. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Appeals Board of the National Employment Council for the Banking Undertaking (Appeals Board). The Appeals Board set aside the dismissal of the respondent, and ordered the appellant to reinstate him without loss of pay and benefits. The appellant’s Hearing Officer had dismissed the respondent from employment after finding him guilty of misconduct. More

The plaintiff is a registered commercial bank. On 15 October 2003 it issued summons against the defendant. On 1 March 2004 the defendant excepted to the summons and declaration. The exception was upheld by this court on 31 January 2005. It was granted in default. As a result of the order granted therein the plaintiff filed an amended declaration on 18 February 2005. The defendant then sought further particulars on the amended declaration which particulars were filed on 18 May 2005. On 15 June 2005 the defendant filed an exception to the amended declaration. On 21 July 2005 the plaintiff... More