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The accused was charged and convicted under the Domestic Violence Act, [Cap 5:16] for a serious assault upon her husband with an axe. She had pleaded not guilty but notwithstanding her plea, she had been found guilty. And sentenced to 12 months imprisonment of which half was suspended for five years on appropriate conditions. The learned scrutinising Regional Magistrate before who the record of proceedings was placed noticed that after the accused had given her evidence and had been cross-examined, there is no indication as to whether or not the court asked her whether she intended to call any witnesses... More

The accused persons in this matter were charged with attempted robbery of a motor vehicle. They pleaded not guilty but were all convicted after a trial. The first and second accuseds were each sentenced to 4 years imprisonment. The third accused was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment of which 2 years is suspended for 5 years on the usual and appropriate conditions of future good conduct. More

The accused was charged with the crime of Murder as defined in s 47 (1) (a) or (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23] and the state alleged that during the period between 18 and 19 August 2018 and at Plot 47, Zunidza Ressettlement, Nyazura, the accused unlawfully caused the death of Patricia Makoni by assaulting her all over the body using an unidentified object intending to kill her, or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct might cause death and continued to engage in that conduct despite the risk or... More

The convicted person pleaded not guilty but was convicted on a charge of theft as defined in s 113 (1) (a) of The Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. He was jointly charged with two others who were acquitted at the end of the trial. The record of proceedings was forwarded to a Regional Magistrate for scrutiny. It was placed before the Senior Regional Magistrate Harare, who raised issues of record keeping and compliance with the provisions of s 198 (6) and 199 (1) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Cap 9:07] (The CP&E Act) with the... More

The two accused persons are brothers. They were jointly charged with the murder of Jokonia Choga Muunganirwa at Chemhanza Hill in Chevakadzi Resettlement Area in Bindura on 31 January 2010. They were alleged to have caused his death by assaulting him indiscriminately all over his body and stoning him on the ribs and head. More

The impunity of a cabal of 13 political zealots, the complicity of law enforcement agents, the lamentable misuse of the prosecutorial authority bestowed on public prosecutors and the disinterest of the trial court all rolled together is the epitome of all that should not happen in our criminal justice delivery system. This matter is a living example of an injustice allowed to take root because of a serious dereliction of duty by those tasked with the protection of law abiding citizens of this country and the punishment of offenders without fear or favour. More

The trial magistrate who dealt with all the above matters was discharged from the service before, in some cases, responding to the queries raised by the scrutinising Regional Magistrate. The records pertaining to these cases were retrieved from the trial magistrate’s office drawer in a plastic bag. The scrutinising Regional Magistrate has forwarded the records in question for remedial action on review. More

1. The accused aged 22 years old was properly convicted of the charge of robbery as defined in s 126(1)(a) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23] by the learned magistrate sitting at Bindura Magistrates Court on 21 October 2022. The accused was sentenced as follows: More

Accused faces Murder charges. On 09 December 2018 at Manyasha Store, Charuka Village, Chief Nyashanu, Buhera, accused caused the death of Joseph Manyasha by striking him with bricks and stones on the chest and head. Accused pleaded not guilty to the charge and tendered a plea of guilty to culpable homicide. Accused admits hitting deceased once on his body using a home-made mud brick. On the day in question whilst he was seated at the door steps of deceased’s house waiting for deceased to give him change in the amount of US$1.50, deceased got angry and struck accused with a... More

The accused was arraigned before us facing one count of Murder and second count of Attempted Murder. In count one the state alleges that on 25 November 2019 and at Bembezeni Compound, Roscommon Estate, Chimanimani, accused shot Beware Tsarara once on the chest with an optima Shotgun thereby causing injuries from which the said Beware Tsarara died. In count two it is alleged that on the same date and place the accused unlawfully attempted to kill Shingirirai Mafake by shooting him once on the upper side of his left hand and once on the left side of his chest with... More

The accused stands accused of committing a heinous crime of murder. A crime so brutal that it has left the family of Moreblessing Ali shattered and the community of Nyatsime in shock. More

The accused persons are charged with murder to which they pleaded not guilty. The matter has dragged for an inordinately long time. More

The deceased suffered from a grossly distended abdomen. This was a condition that she had endured for five to eight years. It was a swollen stomach, the result of an abnormal cyst. The doctor said at its expansive worst the lump spanned a staggering thirty centimetres. She was heavily deformed. Her body was emaciated. More

In a sad sibling rivalry over inherited pieces of land the deceased lost his life. The accused was arraigned before this court on a charge of murder as defined in s 47 (1) (a) or (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. More

The two matters landed on my desk for review, having been forwarded from the office of the Regional Magistrate in Mutare. Both were dealt with by the same trial magistrate, who is a provincial magistrate stationed at Chipinge. More