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The accused was unrepresented. He was convicted on his own plea of guilty to stock theft as defined in s 114[2][a] of the Criminal Law [Codification and Reform] Act, [Cap 9:23] [“the Criminal Law Code”]. He stole one heifer and exchanged it for a bicycle. The heifer was subsequently recovered. The court found no special circumstances. It imposed the mandatory minimum sentence of nine years imprisonment. The matter has now come up on automatic review in terms of s 57 of the Magistrate’s Court Act, [Cap 7:10]. More

This case has its roots in domestic violence and shows the fatal consequences that can result from it for innocent children. The accused who was charged with murder pleaded not guilty to murder and tendered a limited plea of guilty to culpable homicide. The agreed statement of facts as presented to the court were as follows: More

The accused faces two counts of murder and one of attempted murder. The allegations are that on 20 August 2016, he unlawfully and intentionally caused the death of Rugare Kahlamezi and her grandchild Faith Chateya and attempted to murder Vimbai Charumbira. He had poured 1.25 litres of petrol on a thatched hut and entrance and lit it resulting in a fire which engulfed the whole hut. More

The record in the matter between the State v Allan Mukodzani CRB MUTP 2504/17 was referred for review by the magistrate to whom the matter had been referred to internally for a trial de novo by the trial magistrate who heard the matter after she had recused herself. More

The accused pleaded not guilty to a charge of murder as defined in s 47 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23], (The Criminal Law Code). In which it is alleged that on 24 December 2018 at House Number 1892, Chikanga 2, Mutare, the accused unlawfully caused the death of Vitalis Mudhumo by striking him with an axe on the neck several times intending to kill the said Vitalis Mudhumo or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that her conduct might cause death and continued to engage in that conduct despite the realisation. More

The accused was charged with murder in that on the 8th day of September 2016 at Umsweswe bottle store, Pingo in Kadoma, he unlawfully and with intent to kill caused the death of Linda Runyararo Mushangi by stabbing her on the stomach with a knife causing injuries from which she died. More

The accused pleaded not guilty to a charge of Murder as defined in s 47 1(a) or (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. It is alleged by the state, that on 7 October 2019 and at L2, Rukudzo Village, Chief Marange, Odzi, the accused unlawfully caused the death of Norbert Kavharo by striking him with a stick on the head, hands, abdomen, back and buttocks several times with intent to kill him or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that the conduct might cause death and continued to engage in that conduct... More

The accused faces a charge of murder arising from the events of 8th April 2017, at Nyavanhu Village, Chief Tandi in Rusape. More

This matter was brought on review at the instance of the scrutinizing regional magistrate. The offender was arraigned before the magistrates’ court sitting at Zvishavane charged with the crime of contravening infanticide as defined in s 48(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. It being alleged that on 9 January 2024 the offender gave birth to a baby girl and intentionally dug a pit and buried the baby alive which conduct caused the death of the baby at time when the balance of her mind was disturbed as a result of giving birth. The offender pleaded... More

The accused appeared before the Provincial Magistrate sitting at Marondera facing a charge for contravening section 27 (d) of the Firearms Act, Chapter 10:09 (the Act), that is, unlawfully discharging a firearm in or upon a public place. He was convicted on his own plea of guilty and sentenced to pay a fine of US$100 failure of which to undergo imprisonment for a period of 6 months. More

The accused Bowen Samasuwo pleaded not guilty to murder. The allegation by the state was that on the 18th of August 2009, at Bury hill farm in Banket, he unlawfully and with intent to kill, or realising that his conduct might cause death had stabbed one Noah Dennias with a knife on the back right side of his chest. The stabbing had caused injuries from which he died. The accused pleaded complete self-defence in that he was under an unlawful attack at the time More

The accused Brighton Nyamukoho was charged with murder in that on the 25th of July 2016 he killed his paternal aunt being his father’s sister by striking her on the head with a log following accusations that she was a witch and had caused the death of her husband. The accused pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity. More

Both accused persons in this case are charged with murder which had its genesis in a request for a cigarette by the deceased, one Moses Chiyangwa. This request was to one Joseph Mutonhodzi, a reveller at the bar who was the first accused, Carrington Gwera’s friend. They had been drinking at the bar till the early hours of Saturday 16th of April 2016, when the unwelcome request was made. More

The accused was charged with the murder of his wife whom he was said to have assaulted with an iron bar on the 15th of May 2017 resulting in her death. He pleaded not guilty to murder but was willing to plead guilty to culpable homicide. The trial proceeded on the charge of murder. The backdrop of the State’s case was that the deceased and the accused had been customarily married for about 12 years. They had a misunderstanding on the 12th of May when the accused had confronted his wife about her alleged infidelity. She had left home that... More

On 16 August 2020 accused and the now deceased had a confrontation which the state alleges resulted in accused fatally pulling now deceased’s manhood leading to deceased’s demise. Now accused is facing Murder Charges. Accused is denying the charges and pleaded not guilty. In his defence he contends that on the fateful day he proceeded to Luckson Gavi’s homestead at 8am where there was traditional brew for sale. He spent the better of the day drinking at that homestead with locals. Whilst at the beer drink he later joined deceased and shared the beer together. Around 1700 hours accused informed... More