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The respondent appointed the applicant to the position of management trainee in human resources with effect from 10 September 2012. It was a term of the appointment contract that on successful completion of the training programme the applicant would be appointed to the permanent position of human resources officer. The training programme was to run for eighteen months. More

The applicant is being charged with rape as defined in s 65 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform ) Act, [Chapter 9:23] it being alleged that on the date unknown to the prosecutor but during the year 2013 and at house number 43 Magwenzi Street, Chizhanje, Harare, accused unlawfully and intentionally had sexual intercourse with ALISHA SIMON knowing that she had not consented to it or realizing that there was a risk or possibility that she might not have consented to it. The complainant is aged 10 years and doing Grade 5 at Mabvuku Primary School. The accused /applicant... More

This is an application for stay of execution of an award issued by the second Respondent on 30 September 2013. The 2nd Respondent ordered Applicant to reinstate the 1st Respondent without loss of salary and benefits. If reinstatement is no longer an option Applicant was ordered to pay the 1st Respondent damages in lieu of reinstatement. The parties are to agree on the quantum failing which either party may approach the Arbitrator for quantification. More

This is an appeal against a determination by honourable Mambara J dated 30 September 2013. The Arbitrator ordered the reinstatement of Respondent without loss of salary and benefits. If reinstatement is no longer an option damages in lieu of reinstatement were to be paid. The parties were to agree on the quantum failing which either party may approach the tribunal for quantification. Each party was to pay 50% of the arbitration costs. More

4. This application will be better understood against the background that follows. On 13 June 2013 NMB Bank Limitedsued out a summons (HC 1473/13) against the applicants herein seeking in the main an order for the payment of the sum of USD61 824.00 inclusive of the capital debt and interest, and an order declaring the remaining extent of stands 1444, 1445, 1452, 1453 and 1454 Khumalo Township lands held under Deed of Transfer 1411/2005 (property) specially executable. More

The notice of appeal was served on respondent on 28 April 2023. Per Rule 19(2) of the Labour Court Rules, 2017 a Response was required within 10 (ten) days that is on or by 14 May 2023. The respondent filed its response on 24 May 2023. Appellant argued that the Response is improperly before Court as it was filed out of time and without seeking condonation by this Court. Respondent replied that the notice of appeal was served without attachments. They only managed to get all the documents from this Court on 3 May 2023. Then they sought assistance to... More

On 17 March 2023 at Harare, Designated Agent, P. Chiyangwa, made a determination. She ordered respondent to pay appellant an amount of ZWL$34,912,50 in respect of outstanding leave pay. Appellant then appealed the determination to this Court in terms of Section 92 D of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01 hereafter called the Act. Respondent opposed the appeal. More

This was an opposed application. The original and main dispute was between the applicant and the third respondent. But in this particular application the applicant sought a remedy against the first and second respondents. I guess the third respondent was cited merely as a nominal respondent being so much of an interested party. More

The appellant avers that on a date prior to 1 January 2018 it entered into an agreement with the respondent in terms of which the appellant agreed to sell tea products valued at USD 47 493.17 to the respondent for resale in Malawi. The appellant proceeded to deliver the tea products to the respondent in Malawi at 1220 Kenneth Kaunda Avenue, Blantyre, Malawi. For purposes of ensuring that such export delivery could be done, the appellant declared such exportation through CDI forms obtained from the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe. The appellant was required by law to repatriate the export earnings... More

The applicant, a public company which is duly registered as such in accordance with the laws of Zimbabwe, applies for a declaratur. It premises its application on a judgment which was granted to it on 5 December, 2018 under HC 10306/18. The judgment ordered the respondent who is a natural person, to pay to it the sum of $47 593.17 together with interest theron of 5% per annum reckoned form 7 September 2018 to the date of full payment. More

The applicant, a South African registered transport company, seeks the release of one of its haulage trucks seized by officials of the respondent. The said truck, consisting of a mechanical horse and two trailers (“the truck”), was impounded in Masvingo en route from South Africa. The seizure took place after a routine roadblock search conducted on it yielded a contraband of smuggled goods comprising 31 refrigerators, 10 electric stoves and a few other items (“the smuggled goods”) over and above the consignment of goods that had been officially declared at the port of entry. The latter goods were referred to... More

On 31 March 2020 applicant applied for a protection order in terms of the Domestic Violence Act [Chapter 5:16] against first respondent. An interim order was issued by second respondent and on 11 June 2020 second respondent after hearing submissions from the parties, granted a reciprocal protection order which order was meant to protect the parties against each other. Aggrieved by the second respondent’s ruling granting such an order, applicant approached this court on review on the following grounds:- 1. that second respondent’s decision was grossly irregular 2. that second respondent was also grossly unreasonable and irrational 3. that second... More

Appellant appealed to this Court against his dismissal from employment by Respondent. The appeal was made in terms of Section 92D of the Labour Act Chapter 28:01. Respondent opposed the appeal. The grounds of appeal challenge the propriety of the both conviction and penalty. More

Appellant appealed to this Court against his dismissal from employment by Respondent. On the date of hearing of the appeal Respondent defaulted. However its case is set out in their Response filed of record. Ordinarily I would have granted the appeal by reason of Respondent’s default. However the record shows that the appeal is devoid of merit.Why? Appellant worked for Respondent as a Bus Inspector. He was charged with misconduct. A hearing was held. The minutes thereof are filed of record. More

This is an urgent chamber application wherein the applicants pray for a provisional order in the following terms: “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT: That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. The terms and conditions which applied to the Applicants at the time of their admission be and are hereby declared to be binding on the Respondent. 2. The regulatory framework imposed on the Applicants on 22 August 2012 be and is hereby declared a nullity. 3. The resolution of the meeting of 7 August 2012 be... More