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The applicant is the Sheriff of the High Court of Zimbabwe. The claimant and judgment creditor are Askeland Media & Advertising (Pvt) Ltd and Zimbabwe National Water Authority respectively. On 11 June 2015 the judgment creditor obtainedjudgment against Saiss Incorporation (Pvt) Ltd for the payment of $38 133.99. Pursuant to the order, this court issued a writ of execution on 1 June 2015. The judgment debtor’s address is stated in the writ as Goromonzi District, Goromonzi. On 21 June 2017 the judgment creditor gave the following instruction to the applicant. More

The applicant is the Sheriff. Garikai Hebert Kuipa and Scanlink(Pvt) Ltd are the claimant and judgment creditor respectively. On 6 February 2015 this court issued a writ of execution against the movable property of Lexliner Logistics (Pvt) Ltd following judgment in case in HC 4989/14. Pursuant to the writ,on 5 August 2016, the applicant (the Sheriff) attached two buses registration numbers ADZ 4383 and ADC 0394 found in the judgment debtor’s possession at its garage. Bus, registration No, ADZ 4383, was quickly removed and sold in execution and no issues arose. More

The facts in this matter are largely common cause and they were clearly set out in the Claimant’s Heads of Argument. I will borrow heavily from those Heads of Argument. The immovable property known as 14 Whitestone Way, Burnside, Bulawayo (hereinafter the property) was bonded to BankABC by the Judgment Debtor, David Joel Lasker, who is registered owner, as security for a debt owed by Archer Clothing Manufacturers (Private) Limited. BankABC called up the mortgage and instituted legal proceedings that resulted in the property being attached by the Sheriff of Zimbabwe. On the 30th of June 2014, the Claimant, Gull... More

The applicant is the Sheriff for Zimbabwe. He brings this application in terms of Order 30 r 205A as read with r 207 of the High Court rules 1971. In terms thereof, the Sheriff who has attached property in execution of a writ issued by this court may approach the court for a determination of adverse claims where a claim(s) is made to the attached property by a party who is not the judgment debtor. More

On 21 June 2017 the judgment creditor obtained judgment against Rock Investments (Pvt) Ltd in Case No. HC3595/14. Pursuant to obtaining the above mentioned order, the Judgment Creditor instructed the applicant to attach and take into execution the judgment debtor’s movable property. More

The applicant filed an interpleader notice in terms of r 63(2), as read with r 63(5), of the High Court Rules, 2021. It relates to certain movable property attached by the applicant at Stand No. 125 Monavale, Harare. The said attachment emanates from a Supreme Court order of 17 January 2020, Civil Appeal No. SC 339/19. The order was the outcome of an appeal noted by the judgment debtor, cited as JOHN MASHIRI T/A GWAI MILLERS, against the judgment creditor, cited as BROADWAY INVESTMENTS (PVT) LTD, as first respondent, with OWEN POTANI (the judgment creditor in casu) as the second... More

Pursuant to an order of this court HC 3762/15 in favour of the judgment creditor the applicant attached property including a paraffin tank, kipor generator and fuel contained in various tanks at 103 Willowvale Road, Southerton, Harare premises registered in Greensite the judgment debtor. The claimant lay claim to the attached property located at Greensite 103 Willowvale Road Southerton. More

Before me is an interpleader application. The background of the matter is that the judgment creditor obtained judgment against one Roger Madangure under BULAWAYO HC 1404/17. Pursuant to the said judgment the applicant attached various items listed on the Notice of Seizure and attachment - Annexure “C”. Annexure “C” lists the following property: - - A black water tank - A Mercedes Benz vehicle AAP 4499 - An FG Wilson Generator - Eng Byo Mill - Ingersoll Rand Compressor - Scrap - Weights - Osborn Tel Swith with fan belt - Gems table - Gems table of complete mill -... More

On 12 October, 2017 I dismissed the claimant’s claim and declared the property attached in terms of a notice of seizure executable. The reasons for my disposition in dismissing the interpleader relief are captioned herein. More

On 20 November 2017 after hearing submissions in the above matter I dismissed the claimant’s claim with costs on the legal practitioner and client scale. Herein are the reasons for the aforesaid decision. More

This is an application by the applicant whereby the applicant seeks this Court’s determination on the ownership of the property that was attached in execution, in which the Claimant,Abigail Michelle Zituta, claimed that the property attached is her property and not the Judgment Debtors’. More

On the 5 November 2019 this Court issued an order in favour a Sakura Vuta Dewaterings (Pvt) Ltd (the Judgment Creditor) against Shatirwa Investments (Pvt) Ltd t/a Afmine (The Judgment Debtor). It was ordered that the judgment debtor pays the judgment creditor a sum of US $ 37. 283.98 plus interest at the prescribed rate from date of summons to date of full payment and costs of suit on the attorney – client scale. Pursuant to this order, a writ of execution against movable property was issued directing applicant to attach and take into execution judgment debtor’s movable goods at... More

These interpleader proceedings were brought by the Sheriff in terms of the Rules. The Sheriff is an officer of this court whose duties include, inter alia, the execution of court orders. In line with his duties the Sheriff attached and took into execution the judgment debtors’ movable property in Case No. HC 11692/16. The judgment debtors are Mydale International (Pvt) Ltd and one Dr Rob Kelly. The Sheriff attached movable property part of which includes 2 motor vehicles and household furniture. The property was attached at No. 8 Shirely Road, Borrowdale Harare. According to the notice of seizure and attachment... More

These are interpleader proceedings instituted by the applicant on the instructions of the claimant K M Auctions Private Limited after the applicant had attached property that the claimant claims to be its property. This was pursuant to a judgment of this court which was entered for Anwel Matindike against Duffy Mitchel Property Investments Private Limited trading as K M Auctions in case No. 8669/13. The claimant, which is represented by Mr Ken Mubaiwa, produced proof of ownership of the property. More

These were interpleader proceedings in which following a judgment in favour of judgment creditor Albert Mabika, the claimant laid claim to a cotton ginnery plant which had been attached by the applicant. The judgment creditor and the claimant’s claims being adverse and mutually exclusive, the Sheriff, as he was bound to do, filed an Interpleader Notice with the High Court in terms of Order 30 of the High Court Rules, 1971. More