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The judgment in respect of which the application is made was received by applicant on the 4th of December 2013. The judgment struck off the roll, with no order as to costs; an application for substitution of respondent who was then cited as “Anglican Church of St Mary’s and All Saints” with “Church of the Province of Central Africa (CPCA). More

On 1st December 2020 we ordered that the respondent’s name be deleted from the register of legal practitioners, notaries and conveyancers. A request has been made for our reasons for purposes of appeal. The respondent was admitted to practice law in 2011. At the time of the present allegations he was employed as a professional assistant by Magwaliba and Kwirira Legal Practitioners in Chiredzi. He was made to appear before this tribunal on allegations of misappropriation of trust funds and theft. More

The respondent was registered to practice law in this country on 5 March 1997. The applicant seeks the deletion of the respondent’s name from the register of legal practitioners, notaries and conveyancers on account of several complaints of misconduct. More

On 9 July 2021 the respondent was found guilty of unprofessional, dishonourable and unworthy conduct. He had been charged with contravening s 23 (1) (c) of the Legal Practitioners Act [Chapter 27:07] (the Act) as read with sections 70 E and 70F of the Law Society of Zimbabwe Regulations, 1982 (SI 314 of 1982) and s 23 (2) (b) of the Act. It had been alleged that he failed: (a) to provide his client with a comprehensive debt collection report; (b) to account for the deposit the client had paid to his firm. (c) to renounce agency at the request... More

The applicant applied for an order for the deletion of the respondent’s name from the register of legal practitioners, notaries public and conveyancers. The applicant also sought an order for the respondent to pay expenses incurred in connection with the proceedings. More

The respondent is a legal practitioner practising under the style of Lawman Chimuriwo Attorneys at Law. He set up the firm with another legal practitioner in 2012 soon after registration as a legal practitioner. He was registered on 7th January 2009. The applicant contends that the respondent should be found guilty of unprofessional, dishonourable and unworthy conduct arising from complaints brought to its attention by Mr Kenias and Mrs Farai Mafukidze (the Mafukidzes). The applicant filed the present application seeking an order for the deletion of the respondent’s name from the register of legal practitioners, notaries and conveyancers. It is... More

This is an application for the deletion of the respondent’s name from the Register of Legal Practitioners, Notaries Public and Conveyancers and payment of expenses incurred by the applicant in connection with these proceedings. The respondent is alleged to have acted at the same time for two different parties where the interests of the parties were conflicted or were bound to be conflicted. He sold the immovable property of a client without the client’s authority or an order of court. After selling the immovable property and receiving the purchase price, he failed to remit the balance of purchase price to... More

On 28th of February 2013, one Pia Violet Jumo lodged a complaint with the applicant against the respondent. The complaint is based on the following facts which are largely common cause. The complainant and her husband (the complainants) entered into an agreement of sale with one Blessing Tusaumwe (the seller) in terms of which they purchased an immovable property from the seller for a sum of US$27 000. The transaction was facilitated by a real estate and property management company known as Tshukudu Properties & Management (the company). The respondent, who is the principal of the law firm Baera &... More

The applicant seeks the deletion of the respondent’s name from the register of legal practitioners. The respondent is a legal practitioner registered with the applicant. At the material time he was and is still the senior partner in Muringi Kamdefwere Legal Practitioners (the respondent’s law firm). He is alleged to have contravened s 23 (1) (d) and s 23(1)(c) of the Legal Practitioners Act [Chapter 27:07] as read with By-Law 70E and 70F of the Law Society of Zimbabwe By-laws, 1982 (SI 314/1982) (By-Laws) in the following respects: a) he failed to pay promptly to client money deposited in his... More

The respondent is a legal practitioner practising under the style of Puwayi Chiutsi Legal Practitioners. He was registered as such on 9 November 1992. The applicant contends that the respondent should be found guilty of unprofessional, dishonourable and unworthy conduct arising from complaints brought to its attention by Eliot Rogers, the Honourable Mr Justice MANGOTA and Albert Mazhindu. The complaint by Eliot Rogers was that the respondent had abused funds he was supposed to hold in trust on behalf of Rogers. The complaint by Albert Mazhindu was that the respondent had forcibly ejected him from a house he was renting... More

This is a case where the respondent does not have any defence to offer to the allegations against him. The evidence against the respondent is overwhelming and largely corroborated by the respondent in his counter-statement and supplementary heads of argument. More

In the two separate applications the applicant seeks orders that the respondents’ names be deleted from the register of legal practitioners plus expenses incurred in instituting the proceedings. The respondents are registered legal practitioners. It is averred by the applicant that the respondents have conducted themselves in an unprofessional manner. This is because prior to the respondents’ admission as legal practitioners they were convicted of a criminal offence. The respondents did not disclose the convictions to the applicant upon applying to be registered as legal practitioners. More

: The respondent was registered as a legal practitioner in March 1995. He practiced for two years before joining Tedco Industries from January 1997 to December 2003. Thereafter he, in January 2004, returned to private practice and has been practicing law since then. He practices under the style Madanhi, Mugadza & Company Attorneys At Law.The applicant filed the present application seeking an order for the deregistration of the respondent as a Legal Practitioner, Notary Public and Conveyancer. It moved us to direct the respondent to pay the applicant’s expenses incurred in connection with these proceedings. The applicant alleges that the... More

The respondent is a registered legal practitioner, being the senior partner of Messrs Muskwe and Associates. He was admitted as a legal practitioner on 4 March 1985. The applicant filed the present application alleging that the respondent contravened s 23 (1) (d) of the Legal Practitioners Act [Chapter 27:07] as read with s 3 (7) of the Legal Practitioners (Code of Conduct) By-Laws, 2018 (Statutory Instrument 37 of 2018) and sections 70E and 70F of the Law Society of Zimbabwe By-Laws, 1982 (Statutory Instrument 314 of 1982) in that he: More

The Respondent is a registered legal practitioner who at the material time practised law under the style Gunje & Chasakara Law firm. The Applicant filed the present application seeking the deregistration of the Respondent as a Legal Practitioner, Notary Public and Conveyancer and that the Respondent pay the Applicant’s expenses incurred in connection with the proceedings. It is alleged that the Respondent is guilty of unprofessional, dishonourable and unworthy conduct in terms of Section 23(2)(b) of the Legal Practitioners Act [Chapter 27:07] and has contravened Section 23(1)(c) of the Legal Practitioners Act as read with By Laws 70E and 70F(2)... More