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The accused was convicted by the Magistrate sitting at Chiredzi of contravening section 113(2)(a) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Cap 9:23] which relates to theft of trust property. More

This is an application made in terms of s 198 (3) of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Cap 9:07] for the discharge of the accused person at the close of the State case. More

The accused was arraigned before this court on three charges. The first charge is of kidnapping as defined in s 93 (1) (b) (i) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. More

The two accused were blood brothers. Together with their third brother, Richard Makuchete [“Richard”], they were arrested and charged with the murder of their cousin, Zvinowanda Zvinowanda [“the deceased”]. Richard has since been convicted and sentenced under judgment HMA 7-16. The State explained that there had been a separation of trials because the two accused herein had been unavailable by the time the case was ready for trial, and that in the interests of justice it had been decided to have Richard tried on his own. More

It istragic and unfortunate that this brawl by both the accused and the now deceased who were joyfully drinking beer together for the better part of the day ended up in the loss of life. The accused was initially arraigned for murder as defined in section 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]but the matter proceeded on a statement of agreed facts at the commencement of the trial. This was so as that the state accepted accused’s plea to the permissible verdict of culpable homicide as defined in section 49 of the Criminal Law (Codification and... More

On 16 September 2022 at around 1345 hours, the accused, a 20-year-old single parent, was apprehended by National Railways of Zimbabwe (“NRZ”) security officers along Parsley (presumably Paisely?) Road in Harare. He was found in possession of an article described in the state papers as a “chair plate”. He admitted to having picked this item up from what he described as a “Railways heap”. He was subsequently arraigned before the regional magistrate at Harare. He was convicted and sentenced to an effective 10 years imprisonment, on 19 September 2022 for contravention of section 38 (4) (a) of the Railways Act... More

The accused is charged with the crime of murder as defined in s 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9.23]. The indictment alleges that on 26 April, 2015 the accused acting with intent or realising the real risk or possibility that his actions might cause death and nonetheless continuing to engage in that conduct unlawfully shot the deceased Vena Bokosha once on the head with an AK rifle and caused the deceased’s death. The shooting incident occurred at Manyame Airbase, Harare at an area referred to as the bomb dump. It is a security area where... More

This matter was placed before the court at the instance of the scrutinizing regional magistrate. The offender was charged with two counts of theft as defined in s 113 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. In both counts it is being alleged that on two occasions he stole green vegetables from the complainant’s garden. The total value of the vegetables stolen is UD$130.00 and nothing was recovered. He pleaded guilty. In count 1 he was sentenced to six months imprisonment of which three months was suspended on the usual conditions of good behaviour. In count 2... More

The accused in this matter is a 69-year old man. He was convicted, following his plea of guilty to seven counts of theft i.e. contravening section 113 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) act, [Chapter 9:23]. In a spate of relatively petty thefts during the period stretching from January to April 2022, the accused stole various items (mainly empty drums and portable water tanks) from residential and commercial premises in and around the city of Masvingo. When his pilfering spree screeched to an abrupt end following his arrest, his rather interesting haul consisted of the following: nine empty... More

The accused was arrested and charged together with three accomplices on a charge of murder in contravention of s47 (1) of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act. Two of the accused persons were granted bail and they have since absconded. The trial commenced with two accused persons after a separation of trials. In the course of the trial one of the accused persons, Paul Mungwena died at Chinhoyi Prison. Thus at the end of it all one accused person remains before the court. More

This appeal against both conviction and sentence was not opposed by the State. Our finding is that the conviction must be upheld. The concession by the State was not properly made. The sentence is excessive in the circumstances and the appeal partially succeeds. The appellant was convicted after trial on a charge of theft of trust property as defined in s113 (2) (d) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform Act) [Chapter 9:23]. A sentence of 60 months imprisonment with 12 months conditionally suspended for 5 years and a further 42 months suspended on condition of restitution was imposed. Six... More

The Chief Magistrate requested that the record of proceedings in the matter of State v Brian Katiyo CRB B 978/15 be placed before a judge of this court with the following comments: “Reference is made to the above matter." More

The accused person was arraigned on a charge of rape. He was subsequently convicted of indecent assault. The record of proceedings was submitted to the High Court for review in terms of s 57 (1) of the Magistrates Court Act [Chapter 7:10]. More

This homicide was a result of the accused and other villagers’ belief in extra judicial punishment or retribution on the victim whom they suspected of wrongdoing. The four accused appeared before us on a charge of murder as defined in s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Chapter 9:23] (The Code). They are accused of having lynched the deceased to death on 11 April 2020 at Nechiva Village, of Chief Seke. The prosecutor alleges that they unlawfully and with intent to kill, or realizing that there was a real risk or possibility that their conduct may cause... More

All the ingredients of marital infidelity, sheer brutality, extreme provocation and youthful naivety are present in this matter. This matter went through all the motions of a criminal trial up to its logical conclusion. The State seemed unprepared to accept the accused’s limited plea to a lesser charge. More