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The accused if facing a charge of murder as defined in s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The charge is that on the 10 January 2014 at Number 20583 Nzungu Street, Rujeko ‘C’, Masvingo the accused unlawfully stabbed Antony Manzonza with a knife once on the upper right thigh intending to kill him or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that his conduct might cause death and continued to engaged in that conduct despite the risk or possibility. More

The record of proceedings was placed before me on 22 March 2021 for review with a cover note by the trial magistrate. The substance of the trial magistrate’s concern is as follows. The three accused persons appeared before the trial court charged with two counts of contravening section 182 (1) (a) and section 47 (1) (e) of the Customs and Excise Act [Chapter 23:02] respectively. On the first count the accused allegedly smuggled 180kgs of secondhand clothes, 22kgs of new clothing and 6kgs of new underwear. On the second count they imported prohibited goods. The state withdrew charges against accused... More

The accused person faces a charge of murder, it being alleged that on 29 July 2016 he assaulted the deceased Mqondisi Newton Mpofu resulting in his death. The following exhibits were tendered into the court record and they were duly marked: 1) the state summary 2) the defence outline 3) the accused person’s confirmed warned and cautioned statement 4) the post mortem report which gives the case of death as: a) severe cerebral damage b) skull bone fracture subdural hematoma c) severe head trauma due to blunt force trauma. 5) affidavit by Dr N Chuma who certified the deceased dead... More

The accused isa company duly registered in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. It was represented during criminal proceedings in the magistrates Court by one Patrick Kwatengera. In those proceedings which now constitute the subject matter of the present review, it was charged with and subsequentlyconvicted of, the offence of contravening section 29 (i) Petroleum Act [Chapter 13:22]. The said provision criminalises the selling, procuring or production of any petroleum product without a licence issued in terms of that Act. In this casethe proscribed conduct consisted of selling of diesel andpetrol without such a licence, in other words operating a... More

All the 7 accused persons who are males except accused 1 DAMBUDZO POTERAI are charged with murder as defined in s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. More

The accused in this matter pleaded to and was convicted of the offence of contravening s 113(1)(a)(b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. Upon his conviction the accused was sentenced to a straight term of 2 years imprisonment. More

The accused stand charged with murder. It is alleged that on 26th May 2012 and at Chimukoko Business Centre the accused or one or both of them unlawfully and with intent to kill or realising that there was a real risk or possibility that their conduct might cause death, caused the death of Cephas Magura by assaulting him with stones and logs several times all over the body thereby killing him. More

The Provincial Magistrate Harare Province referred this matter to me under cover of the minute dated 28 February 2012 with the following comments: More

The accused was indicted before this court facing two counts of murder as defined in s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The charge was that he brutally attacked his 87 year old father, Felix Taonana Chiodza and his 89 year old father’s sister Angela Bhunu with lethal weapons and inflicted mortal injuries on them. More

Both accused persons are facing a charge of murder as defined in section 47 (1) of the Criminal Law [Codification and Reform] Act [Chapter 9:23]. The charge is that on 22 April 2020 at Tafamba homestead, Mutomani village, Chief Gudo in Chiredzi each of the accused or both of them unlawfully and intentionally caused the death of John Mutomani by assaulting him with fists, stones and a wooden bench on the head several times. More

The events in this matter may be deemed to be both tragic and traumatic. The accused, a female juvenile is facing the charge of murder as defined in s 47(1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. The charge is that on 1 April, 2021 at Nyevedzanai Village, Headman Madyangove, Chief in Masvingo the accused unlawfully and intentionally caused the death of Ruvarashe Mazhambe by throwing her and leaving her to drown in Tugwi River. The accused’s age estimate as per exhibit 2 is given as 18 years. However during the course of the trial her Baby... More

The accused pleaded not guilty to a charge of murder and tendered a plea of guilty to the lesser charge of culpable homicide. More

On the 1st of September 2008 the deceased Charity Mukarati tragically lost her life through gun shots. The tragic incident occurred at Plot 1 Goodhope farm, Marlborough, Harare. The plot in question is owned by the accused person having been awarded to him by a judgment of this Court on 1 March 2006. More

Like nocturnal predators the accused and his fugitive colleague are alleged to have attacked the deceased under the cover of darkness. The deceased was asleep with his wife possibly at his weakest and most vulnerable. More

his matter came before me by way of automatic review. The accused person pleaded guilty to culpable homicide. He was sentenced to pay a fine of $400 or in default to undergo 5 months’ imprisonment. In addition, 4 months’ imprisonment was wholly suspended for 3 years on condition of good behavior. The trial court also ordered that the accused person’s driver’s licence be endorsed with particulars of conviction. More