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Court Judgements

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This is an appeal against an arbitral award in which the terms of reference were: 1. whether or not the Respondent is unilaterally and clandestinely transferring members of ZIMRATU. 2. whether or not Respondent has a transfer policy in place. 3. whether or not the Respondent is unilaterally transferring members of the workers committee and trade unions and thus crippling the operations of the workers committee and the trade union. 4. determine the appropriate remedy. More

The applicant is a body corporate established in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. The respondent is employed by the applicant as a Revenue Specialist. The respondent was charged with acts of misconduct in that she failed to carry out a proper clearance of a motor vehicle which is a D25 offence in terms of the applicant’s code of conduct. On 24 January 2020 the dispute was referred to a Labour Officer for determination of the alleged misconduct as the applicant’s disciplinary committee could not sit. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the High Court, Bulawayo (the court a quo) which granted an order compelling the appellant to reimburse the respondent the sum of USD 63 378.00 being duty for the importation of a motor vehicle. More

This was an appeal against the whole judgment of the Labour Court delivered on 17 May 2012. After perusing the record and hearing the submissions of the parties, this Court allowed the appeal and indicated that the reasons would be availed in due course. More

The appellant seeks the vacation of the whole judgment handed down by the Special Court for Income Tax Appeals (the court a quo) that was handed down on 23 December 2020. The court a quo set aside the amended income tax assessments issued to and the penalty imposed against the respondent by the appellant on 30 October 2017 for the 2014 tax year and on 1 November 2017 for the 2015 tax year. More

This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the High Court (the court a quo) which granted a declaratory order in favour of the respondent to the effect that the appellant could not issue replacement notices of revised tax assessments. This is because the revised assessments had been invalidated and set aside in an earlier decision of this Court. More

The applicant is a statutory body, established as such in terms of s 3 of the Revenue Authority Act [Cap 23:11]. It is established as a body corporate, capable of suing and being sued in its own name and, subject to the Act, of performing all acts that bodies corporate may by law perform. Section 4 of the same Act defines its powers as being: a) to act for the state in assessing, collecting, and enforcing the payment of all revenues; b) to advise the Minister on matters relating to the raising and collection of revenues; and c) to perform... More

Acting on reasonable suspicion that the second and third respondents’ three drivers were entering Zimbabwe with loaded fuel, the applicant placed the respondents’ three trucks and their contents under notices of seizure. More

This is an appeal against the judgment rendered by the Magistrates Court in which an order was made for the appellant to unconditionally release a motor vehicle horse, registration number JTC043MP and two trailers registered under numbers JKX559MP and JKX583MP and to pay costs on a higher scale. More

Applicant has applied for an urgent stay of execution of a default judgment granted against it and in favour of the respondent on 21 September 2022 in case No. 4496/22 pending determination of applicant’s application for the rescission of the said default judgment which applicant filed on 28 September 2022. The urgent application is made in terms of rule 60(1) of the High Court Rules 2021 and is opposed by the respondent. Applicant became aware of the default judgment the subject of the application for a stay of execution on receipt on 27 September 2022 of a letter from respondent’s... More

This is an appeal against a decision rendered by a magistrate which compelled the appellant to release unconditionally, a vehicle it had impounded from the respondent with each party bearing its own costs. The brief facts giving rise to this matter are that on the 25th of April 2020, members of FERET team who were patrolling along the Limpopo river area intercepted the respondent’s vehicle which was loaded with unaccustomed goods. It was alleged that the vehicle in question was being driven by the respondent who produced his identification document with number 43- 162579 W 43. The smuggled goods were... More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the Magistrates Court sitting at Beitbridge in case number CIV BTB 90/21 handed down on 10 January, 2022. More

On 10 January 2020 the respondent filed an exparte application for a spoliation order at Mutare Provincial Magistrate’s Court on the basis that on 6 January 2020 the current appellants had ordered their employees to invade a commercial stand housing a service station where the respondent was the tenant and operator. Respondent attached a lease agreement to his application dated 14 March 2019. When the respondent’s employees invaded the service station they disjointed fuel pump units, parked a truck in front of a diesel fuel tank blocking the current respondent’s deliveries. On 9 January appellant’s staff allegedly repossessed the service... More

This is an urgent chamber application in terms of s 92 (c) of the Labour Court Act [Cap 28:01] as read with rule 33 of the Labour Court Rule S I 15/06 wherein the applicant is applying the court to alter its judgment of 22 November 2013 on the basis that the judgment in question was made in error. More

This is an application for correction of an order in terms of section 92 C (1) (c ) of the Labour Act [Chapter 28:01]. On 12 August 2015 this court granted the following order: “1. The applicant having filed an application in terms of rule 19 (3)(a) of SI 59/2006, the application be and is hereby granted. 2. The respondent being barred for non-compliance with rule 19 (2) (ii) of S I 59/2006, the application under reference LC/H/APP/998/14 be and is hereby granted.” More