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Court Judgements

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This is an application for review of the decision that was made by the Respondent. On the 3rd of January 2014 the Applicant made an application to the Respondent for an exemption from compliance with a 6% wage increase. The Applicant sought to be exempted from compliance with the approved increase for twelve (12) months starting from July 2013 to June 2014 but the Respondent only allowed a one month exemption for June 2014. More

This is a delictual claim for damages arising from a collision between a bus belonging to the plaintiff and a tractor and trailer owned by the defendant. More

This is an application for leave to execute the judgment of this Honourable Court in case number HC 5501/06 delivered under HH 238/17 dated the 12th of April 2017 pending the determination of two appeals filed by the respondents separately in case number SC 289/17 on 5 May and 9 May 2017 respectively. More

The plaintiff, Zimbabwe United Passenger Company, better known as ZUPCO issued summons in 2006 for the eviction of the defendants or any persons occupying the premises through them, to vacate premises known as No. 9 Hood Rd, Southerton, Harare. ZUPCO also sued for costs jointly and severally on a higher scale. More

This is an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court against a decision of this Court handed down on 28 February 2014. More

This is an appeal for the registration of an arbitral award. The applicant is a union. The founding affidavit was sworn to by a Mr Mathias Mandaza and it refers to the award that was made in favour of the union on 16 December 2015, wherein the respondent was ordered to pay a sum ofUS$1 116 503,50. The applicant avers that the award remains unsatisfied as respondent has failed, neglected and or refused to comply with the arbitral award. The respondent has raised a point in limine to the effect that applicant is a legal persona with a constitution which... More

This is an application for leave to execute pending appeal against the judgment of this court per MAKONESE J under case number HC 2434/17 registering an arbitral award in favour of the applicant. The facts are that the applicant’s members are respondent’s employees. Pursuant to a dispute over non-payment of applicant’s members’ salaries, an Arbitrator granted an award on 16 December 2015 ordering respondent to pay US$1 116 053,,50 to the applicant. On 12 September 2017 the applicant filed an application for the registration of the award under HC 2434/17 in terms of s98(14) of the Labour Act (Chapter 28:01).... More

The Zimbabwe Urban Council Workers Union (ZUCWU) is representing 89 Marondera Municipality employees who were contract employees. The employees have been reviewing their contracts of employment every month from date of engagement for periods ranging from six months to at least eighteen years. More

On 11th January 2013 Applicant filed an application for rescission of judgment. On 5th February 2013 Respondent filed a response in which she opposed the application. In due course the matter was set down for hearing. More

The applicant brought a claim in terms of the Trademarks Act [Chapter 26:04], the Act , to interdict and restrain therespondent from infringing rights flowing from its trademark,passing off its services and an order for removal of infringing marks and related getups or any confusingly or deceptive similar trademarks from all matter in its possession or control. More

CHITAKUNYE AJA. This is an appeal against the whole judgment of the Labour Court handed down on 28 June 2019 dismissing the appellant’s appeal against an arbitral award issued on 21 June 2018. More

This is an application for review as well as an appeal against the decision of the arbitrator. The grounds for review are; 1. That the honourable arbitrator grossly erred at law in proceeding to determine the matter without the parties having gone through conciliation proceedings in terms of the law. 2. The arbitrator grossly erred in proceeding to determine the matter without giving an opportunity to the parties to make oral submissions in support of the written submissions. More

The appellant in this case is employed by the respondent. The background facts of this dispute are that the appellant was given a laptop to use in the course of his duties. More

: This is an appeal against part of the judgment of the Magistrates Court which dismissed Claim A of the appellant against the respondent but awarded claim B as claimed. The parties had entered into an oral agreement in terms of which the appellant would transport defendant’s container from Kariba to the Democratic Republic of Congo in exchange for payment in United States Dollars into the appellant’s nostro account More

On 14 February 2020 the plaintiff sued out of this court summons against the defendant seeking an order for specific performance or alternatively the payment of damages for breach of contract in the sum of $4 560 000. In terms of the former, the plaintiff averred that the defendant had reneged on his undertaking under an agreement to avail his farm (Lot 16 of lot 10A, Chicago, Kwekwe) to the plaintiff to subside and develop into residential stands. According to the plaintiff it was a term of the agreement that upon the completion of the project the plaintiff would share... More